In Luke 10:9 Jesus commanded His 70 disciples to “Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘the Kingdom of God has come near to you'” when He sent them to preach the gospel to those who did not know that He was in fact the Promised Messiah. Jesus did NOT command them to “pray for the sick” as is traditionally taught, but rather to “heal the sick” miraculously using the supernatural authority and power He had given them to cast out all demons and to cure diseases in Luke 9:1-2.

Acts records the early disciples continuing to obey the Lord’s command to “heal the sick” using His supernatural authority and power as they took the gospel to the gentiles at the ends of the earth. As they proclaimed the gospel, they did not “pray to God for the sick and then leave the results up to Him” as is done traditionally today.

Today His command in Luke 10:9 still stands when disciples take the gospel to totally unreached people groups in the Third World where our Messiah Jesus is unknown. Sadly, very few missionaries and local harvest workers—if any—are trained to carry out the Lord’s command to “heal the sick” consistently as irrefutable evidence to people groups resistant to the gospel that He is in fact the only way to the One True God—our Father in heaven.

That is one reason why the Great Commission has not been fulfilled even after a very long 2,000 years.

But during these very Last Days, the Lord is restoring the knowledge and understanding of how to heal the sick exactly as Jesus did as evidence of the truth of the gospel to the world—a fulfillment of Jesus’ solemn promise in John 14:12.

“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing…”

The Lord has graciously entrusted this understanding to us His most unworthy servants. Since we have received this understanding freely, we are now giving it away freely.

The videos of the first four (of nine) training sessions are posted on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQXVidum2WlTBlvpPdiA35FWaOoqnuAO_. The videos of the remaining Sessions 5 through 9 will be added in upcoming weeks as each Session is taught over zoom. (Let us know if you would like to join us for those five remaining Saturday Sessions.)

This Training does not focus on the “gift of healing” or the “gift of miracles”. For that matter, it does not involve any of the gifts of the Holy Spirit at all. Rather it focuses on the supernatural power and authority to cast out demons and cure diseases which Jesus gave to his disciples in the gospels (Luke 9:1-2; 10:9) well before Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended.

If a mission organization focusing on Third World missions desires to have this Training conducted for its overseas harvest workers, it is possible for the Training to be done in person and for free—the Lord willing.

For reports and testimonies on the fruit of this Luke 10:9 Training in the Fundamentalist Hindu state in India known as Odisha where baptism is illegal, please click on https://theelijahchallenge.org/irrefutable-evidence-that-jesus-is-the-only-way-to-heaven-over-2000-testimonies-of-the-miraculous/. Since 2018, over 70,000 Hindus have come to our Messiah Jesus through the ministry of our trained local harvest workers. These new believers are now being taught and discipled in over 2,000 house churches.

In the months of February and March 2025, this Training will be conducted in Southeast Asia in the nations of Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines. 

Please share this page with mission organizations or mission leaders you may know. Our calling is to train the Lord’s harvest workers to heal the sick exactly as Jesus did—in order to accelerate the Great Commission during these very Last Days.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at https://theelijahchallenge.org/contact-us/.

Supernatural miracles in Third World Missions do NOT conflict with the teaching of Cessationism

Endorsement from Distinguished Pastor with Doctorate from conservative Westminster Theological Seminary