“Our second Elijah Challenge Feeding Event of the month was hosted by Pastor Chaman in the Amritsar village of Premnagar [in the state of Punjab in India]. This turned out to be a two-day event where on the first day about 90 people dedicated their lives to the Lord. Because approximately 30 infirm people were miraculously healed by the Lord on the first day, the local pastor requested another event. And so another event was conducted on the following day as well.

Many people with severe back pains were healed. Growths vanished. Stones lodged in people’s bodies disappeared and people felt instant relief after the ministry of healing.”




“On the second day, Pastor Chaman himself (below) shared the gospel. Afterwards over eighty people gave their lives to Jesus Christ, and to Him only.”








Report submitted by Elijah Challenge Co-Worker Lavi in North India
December 2017