About Us
The spirit and power and boldness of Elijah are now being restored to the Church during these Last Days.
We train and help send out workers for the Last Days harvest—just as Jesus trained and sent his disciples to preach the gospel in Luke 9 and 10. We train them how to heal the sick and cast out demons consistently as irrefutable & compelling evidence to gospel-resistant people groups that Jesus is the only way to the Father. Those we train can eventually become trainers themselves.
Click Here to Learn More About Our Mission Today
We train and help send out workers for the Last Days harvest—just as Jesus trained and sent his disciples to preach the gospel in Luke 9 and 10. We train them how to heal the sick and cast out demons consistently as irrefutable & compelling evidence to gospel-resistant people groups that Jesus is the only way to the Father. Those we train can eventually train other believers.
During these Last Days when the gospel is still unavailable to over 40% of the people on earth—over two billion souls—we are training and sending disciples to heal the sick miraculously and preach the gospel as Jesus commanded: “Heal the sick who are there and tell them, “the kingdom of God has come near to you’” (Luke 10:9).
The resulting extraordinary miracles are irrefutable and compelling evidence to gospel-resistant peoples that Jesus is the Messiah and the only way to our Heavenly Father.
If you would like to have your workers trained, we are available. We do not require any minimum honorarium. Freely we have received; freely we give.
Recent results from the Lord’s harvest field
From 2015 to 2018 through Elijah Challenge Gospel Events in India conducted by trained workers in unreached areas and villages, 68,964 people heard the gospel, received effective healing prayer, and were fed. Out of these, 57,182 prayed to accept Jesus Christ as only Lord and Savior. Uncounted thousands were miraculously healed of infirmities and delivered from demons in Jesus’ name. The cost for each salvation was $2.81. The total number of pastors and servants of God trained with The Elijah Challenge totaled 5,901.

We have trained thousands of disciples in 50 nations on six continents. Some of have launched out to preach the gospel and training others just as we trained them. According to reports, millions have come to Christ through their ministries, including one who led one million souls to Christ in a single event.
Click Here to Learn About The Impact of The Elijah Challenge
We have trained tens of thousands of disciples and workers in nearly 50 nations on six continents. Some of those we’ve trained have launched out in their own ministries preaching the gospel and training others just as they themselves were trained by us. According to their reports, millions have come to Christ through their ministries. One servant of God we trained led one million souls to Christ in a single event.
In such a way we want to train and help send one million such workers into the Lord’s vast harvest field during these Last Days.
Since its founding in 2000, the Lord has been gracious to use The Elijah Challenge to train tens of thousands of believers in nearly fifty nations on six continents to proclaim the kingdom of God effectively and fruitfully as did the early disciples in Acts. According to reports we’ve received from servants of God we’ve trained, millions have come to Christ through their ministries.
In the early 2000s we began by holding historic Evangelistic Campaigns like those in Vietnam and Egypt, but currently our work is following Scripture closely to train nameless disciples how to use His supernatural authority and power over diseases and demons in the preaching of the gospel for the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 24:14).
If you would like to have your workers trained, we are available. We do not require any minimum honorarium. If needed, we can fly overseas at our own expense. Freely we have received; freely we give.
If you are looking for a high-impact yet low-overhead ministry to support financially as part of your obedience to the Great Commission, do consider The Elijah Challenge. The Elijah Challenge is a 501(c)(3) non-profit church organization and all donations are tax deductible.
In 1978 the founders of The Elijah Challenge began as missionaries to remote regions of Indonesia—the world’s fourth most populous, predominantly Muslim nation—preaching the gospel and making disciples among those who had never heard the gospel. They have been happily married for 45 years (as of 2019) and counting.

Click Here to Learn About the Founders
In 1978 the founders of The Elijah Challenge began as missionaries to remote regions of Indonesia—the world’s fourth most populous, predominantly Muslim nation—preaching the gospel and making disciples among those who had never heard the gospel. They have been happily married for 45 years (as of 2019) and counting.
At the very beginning of our ministry in 1978 we spent nearly nine years preaching the gospel and making disciples in primitive unreached areas of Indonesia. When we first arrived in Indonesia, I had followed Jesus for only two years. But my experience with the Lord was such that I gave up the “American Dream” and my advanced degrees—I was within about a year of getting my Ph.D. at the University of California—to take my wife overseas to preach the gospel to those who never heard. When we left America, we had no financial support from any church, no sending mission board or agency, no training in missions, no missionary visa, and no idea how or where we were going to begin after arriving in Indonesia. We went by radical faith in the Lord who commanded us to “go.” But the Lord was faithful…