Electrician Kurt Simms, Crosby, Texas




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Kurt and Mary Simms, who own Simms Electric Services, attended the Advanced Elijah Challenge Training in Houston in February 2008.

Other reports from Kurt
Simms Electrical Services

August 20, 2008

"I would like to share a testimony of a young teenage girl in our church. She was driving a four-wheeler on some trails and a stick poked one of her eyes. She went to the doctor and was treated and was told that she might never see in that eye again. Our church had prayed for her corporately. After some time, her vision had gotten a little better. One night the youth joined the adults in our main sanctuary for a Wednesday night service. After the service I met the girl’s mother and I asked if she would go and get her daughter so I could pray over her. I commanded for her eyesight to be restored and totally healed, and I asked the girl if she could see any change and she told us that she could see better but it was still a little blurry. I took authority again over the injury and there was no change at that time. She returned to the eye doctor the next day and her sight was totally restored to 20/20 vision."

"I had an opportunity that came up quickly. A friend of mine at church had some close friends that are missionaries in the Philippines and Pastor a church called Cowboy Christian Church is in Victoria, Alaminos City, Pangasinan . My friend asked me if I could present the TEC (The Elijah Challenge) to Eduardo and Belinda Palisoc. I held the training at my friend’s house where they were staying over two days. They had to cut their trip short due to a death of someone close to them back in the Philippines. I had to teach at a pretty fast pace to cover as much as I could in about 7 hours time, but their comprehension was good and being a small group of four made things go faster. I explained to them about their responsibility to The Lord for what they have been given and Pastor Eddie assured me that he would be studying intently and obedient in what he had learned. Pastor Eddie told me the material was very straight forward and reveals the scripture in a clear and simple way kind of like the books “Windows for Dummies”.

We did a couple of demonstrations. Eddie had knee surgery which caused him pain for years. I commanded all pain to leave and for it to be healed and it was healed in Jesus’ Name. My friend had rotator cup surgery and had pain that had not gone away and had trouble putting his wallet in his back pocket. We all took authority and commanded healing and after two times he had no more pain. Eddie’s wife had a been confirmed with “MS” in some years passed and she told me she told the doctors that by faith she refused to take the medicine and didn’t accept “MS” and has gotten along fine for years. We took authority and rebuked the spirit of “MS”, commanding total healing in Jesus’ name. She also dealt with migraine headaches due to a pinched nerve in her back that comes and goes and had gotten a headache during the training. We took authority once again in Jesus’ name and commanded the vertebrates, discs, and nerves to be healed. The migraine left her.

Pastor Eddie told me he would be obedient in using what he had learned and studying the material that I gave him. They have asked my wife and me to come to Alaminos City, Pangasinan and he was going to get all the Pastors together in his region and wants me to present the TEC to them and follow with an outreach. My wife and I are thrilled with the invitation, and are seeking the Lord for guidance whether we should go."


Luke 10:9 "Heal the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"