Miracles in the Ramagiri Relief Camp
After the Tundruma Program, we went to the
Ramagiri Relief Camp where we ministered for the second time.
was the plan of God that we could able to go and spend the time
over there with our brothers and sisters. They were eagerly waiting
for us. God used
me in the way that He wanted to. It was wonderful ministry. I can say
God did marvelously
beyond my expectation the things which supposed to be.
is true that the persecuted believers deserved to be filled with
the Holy Spirit, to receive the Lord’s healing touch, and
also to experience His mighty presence in their life. And these
all happened there when we ministered
to them.
all together worshiped for few times. Then afterwards I gave the
message. While I was sharing the word of God, I could see tears
from many of the
believers. I asked them how many of you believe that you going to receive
the Christ and
His healing touch in your life? So many raised their hands. And I started
to minister to them.
were hundreds
of healings and miracles which took place. More than four hundred
of these people raised their hands to indicate that they
were receiving the Lord Jesus Christ for the first time
in their lives.
are the photos in which they are giving testimonies how they experienced
the Lord’s healing touch in their lives.
--- Brother Satya was suffering from fever for many days. He had
in his body. Very painfully he attended the meeting on that day.
But the power of
God was revealed and he was healed.
--- This old man named Bhaskara was suffering from knee pain and
for a few years he was not able to stand and walk. He received
the healing touch
from the
Lord Jesus Christ.
--- Sister Dukhia was suffering from pain in her teeth and she
had spent more than Rs 10,000 but no relief had taken place.
said, “today
in this meeting the power came and touched me and I have
no pain at all.”
--- Nohoson Lima was suffering from back pain for so many days.
He was not able to bend but at that moment God
touched him and he was healed completely.
He could bend so obviously.
--- Sister Shiba Mishal is a widow had a painful heart and along
with that the physical infirmity. She had boils
on her entire body. With much expectation
she came for prayer, and by the grace of God she was healed.
--- Sister Promodini Mali was suffering from a thyroid problem
for seven years. She tried everything to be
cured but nothing took place. On that day
she asked me to minister to her. When I laid hands
on her and ministered to her,
she received a healing touch from above.
--- A grandmother named Amodini Mishal was suffering from fever
as well as from body pain since the beginning of the persecution.
is a widow. At our
first meeting she had received the Lord’s healing
touch and the body pain was no more from that day.
But when she
gets feverish she gets the pain
She is testifying that she was healed today by the
ministry of Pastor Subodh and by the grace of God.
--- This young sister named Suni Mishal experienced a wonderful
miracle in her life. For almost four
years she had longed to be filled with the Holy
and that was the moment she was touched by the
Spirit. She needs more prayer for strength and also to grow in
the Holy
--- For three years Sister Abani Mali was suffering from a migraine
headache. She had tried so many
medicines like
etc., but none
of them cured her. After ministry she felt the
healing touch of God.
--- Grandmother Nistarani was suffering from high blood pressure.
For long days she struggled
a lot
physically; she was not able
to sit or wake
or anything
else. But God touched her and she was healed.
--- Grandfather Amiya was suffering from asthenia for two years.
He is a poor man.
Because of a
financial crisis
he could
not go
for treatment
in a good hospital.
But by faith he waited to get a healing touch
from God and by his faith he was completely
healed. After ministry
he was
about the
touch he felt.
--- Sister Arfa Pani was suffering from leg pain. She was not able
to walk or work
she was
in bed just
like she
was paralyzed.
But for
the meeting
she came with the help of one mother who
stood near to her. Miraculously she was
healed by
the healing
of God.
--- Rinkey and Pinkey are two sisters. The elder one Rinkey (right)
her sister Pinkey
to the
meeting. She
was suffering
from sicklin (blood
loss) for a few years. Thank God that
He touched her and healed her at that very
--- This little boy named Babuna unfortunately became afraid and
cried outloud bitterly.
His parents were
so worried about
it. They
he was crying because
of a devil attack. But he was miraculously
changed during the meeting. Praise
the Lord.
--- Andri was suffering from chest pain that lasted one year. He
thousand of
rupee for
medicine. He went to several
because he
was having much
problem due to this. He was not able
to breathe and walk, etc. But the
Lord healed
were many more healings and miracles that took place both in
Tundruma and
the Ramagiri Relief Camp.
God for His work. Please pray that in the coming days
thousand and thousand
of people
come to
Christ through
this ministry.
Once again
we thank you
very much for your special prayer
and help for the Orissa ministry
10:9 "Heal the sick who are there and tell them, 'The
kingdom of God is near you.’"