Chris Villasana, South Texas

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Chris Villasana is a young Texan who attended The Elijah Challenge Training at Braeswood Assembly of God in Houston in April 2007.

Chris' ministry in his South Texas home town in September 2007:

"The apartment complexes have actually turned into a 'live rounds' training ground. We have been taking people out there to lay hands on the infirm and show them how to lead people to the Lord. So many people from the Apartments have been getting to know us---more specificaly the kids, who have passed out more tracts then we could dream of doing on our own. And they asked us for more to pass out at their schools and classes. It is very neat, almost hippy; we are teaching the kids scripture songs, sitting in grassy knolls witnessing and healing people, and leading them in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And everyone else is watching and coming down to see what's happening. So everyone is hearing about, or seeing the things that are happening, and everyone is getting to know us. So your training is being put to good use, very good use, and we are taking the people from the church out so that they can keep in practice and keep up their faith."

Received from Chris on September 20:

We went witnessing at this park by some apartment complexes and a bunch of kids came and we began to minister to them, singing and praying, and about 24 kids and adults were present. This little girl---she was about about 8 years old---stood up and testified that last week at the apartment complexes how we had come over and laid hands on her mom. Her mom's leg had been hurting and would swell with fluid, but ever since then it was healed. She also testified that when we laid hands on her friend who couldn't speak because of a throat virus, the friend was able to talk immediately afterwards. Everyone who was there was in awe. and eighteen people gave their lives to Jesus. One little four-year-old boy was demonically possessed, threatening us saying that he hated us, he hated God and Jesus, and that he was the devil, and the devil wasn't going to come out of him. So we just used the same authority, and cast it out in Jesus' name. The boy was totally changed afterwards, even in his countenance, and was telling us he loved us, and He loved Jesus. He was completely happy!

Received from Chris on September 23

"I have yet another testimony! While we were out, that same young 8 year old girl whose mother was healed told us that she and her friend were pretending to be us while they were playing in their room. The "church people" and her younger brother came in who actually had a large red bruise on his chest that hurt him, and so she and her friend put their hands on his chest and started imitating us, and said "In the name of Jesus, you can't stay bruise, you have to go now in the name of Jesus!" and the little boy's bruise went away, and it was healed. Oh wow! Can you believe it? These kids are seeing the things that we are doing and doing the same things! Many things have been happening, but that was only yesterday! Praise God!"

Received October 13

"A homeless man who was in a wheelchair because he was missing a leg rolled in front of our house. So we came out and started talking to him. He had just gotten out of prison, and had been homeless for 15 days. We brought him in and fed him, let him take a bath, and ministered to him. He told us how he had electricity-like pain in the nub of his leg that was very intense and he had to get used to it now that he was homeless. The bone was also crooked so he couldn't wear a prosthetic leg. We laid hands on the nub in Jesus' name, and all of the pain left,. His bone also straightened out. He cried. Then in the same way we took authority over the spirits that were oppressing him, like the one that caused him to feel worthless; and he was delivered. At the end he was no longer hungry, but clean shaven, free from pain, and spiritually healed. Now he can wear a prosthetic! How awesome is the Creator of the universe; He loves us so! I was able to show the homeless man how much God loved him because he had been healed. He really understood how much of a plan the Lord has for him, and that he is always on the Lord's mind. He really got it---it was no longer a cliché for him. Because God demonstrated His love."



Luke 10:9 "Heal the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"