Albert Kang was trained under
The Elijah Challenge
the Lord for training us. You do not know how grateful we
are. This is the first time so many signs and wonders are
happening in my ministry and in such a short time. ...Honestly,
in my 25 years of ministry, I have never experienced so many
miracles in such a short time."
July, 2007
Dr. John Tayoto, President of ACLEAD – Asian Center for
Leadership Education And Development, Science City of Munoz,
Nueva Ecija
At The Dinner Meeting with Pastors and Church Leaders
a four-hour bus ride from Baguio City, we finally reached San
Jose, a town that is 15 minutes from our destination - ACLEAD – Asian
Center for Leadership Education And Development. Dr. Tayoto
was our host and the following evening, he had organized a
dinner gathering pastors and leaders from around Science City
of Munoz in Nueva Ecija. We were told that this place has been
the center of agricultural and scientific education for many
years. In fact, the hostel that we were staying belonged to
the Central Luzon State University (CLSU) which had just celebrated
its centurial anniversary.
six in the evening, forty plus pastors and church leaders from
Evangelical, Pentecostal and Charismatic backgrounds, gathered
at the cafeteria at CLSU for an evening of "learning church
growth and Elijah Challenge". One young pastor told me
that he is a "conservative" Baptist but believes
in healing. A banner was displayed prominently as a backdrop
with these words, "The Elijah Challenge Healing Ministry
with Rev Albert Kang, July 20 – 22, 2007, Science City
of Munoz in Nueva Ecija". The treatment that Grace, my
father-in-law and I received was befitting of a royal welcome.
We did not expect such reception and were so humbled by their
love that we were almost speechless.
food and some preliminaries, I shared my favourite message
on church growth: "Seven Keys of Success". Then I
moved to the topic of Elijah Challenge. After giving a brief
history and comparison between the traditional way of praying
for the sick and the Elijah Challenge's way of healing the
sick, I gave a demonstration. First, I asked how many people
in attendance were suffering from actual pain. A couple of
hands went up. After finding out their conditions, some pastors
and church leaders who were willing to try their hands in healing
were asked to come to the front. An elderly lady-pastor, whom
they called "Pastora", was chosen because she had
a painful left knee. (It seems that knee conditions are among
the easiest to receive divine healing). The volunteers were
taught how to lay hands on the painful knee of this lady-pastor.
Then, with mountain-moving faith, I commanded the pain to leave
and the knee to heal. The first time, this elderly lady felt
slight improvement in her knee but the pain was still there.
As expected, all eyes were staring at me, wondering what I
would do next. (I now remember that I did the same thing when
for the first time, in a healing demonstration, I saw [my teacher]
command and the person was only partially healed). As a good
imitator of that teacher, I went for the next round. With a
wide grin, this lady-pastor was visibly feeling better. On
the third round, she was completely healed. She stood up and
danced - kicking her former painful leg wildly. The cafeteria
was filled with loud applause and one could feel the levels
of faith increased by a few notches.
second person chosen to be healed was a Baptist church leader
who was a former rock star and now working at the mayor's office.
His healing was fast – in two rounds, his back pain was
gone. As the evening was getting late, I invited them to attend
the training the following day and learn about the healing
and evangelistic approach of Elijah Challenge. On the way out,
I met one young man who had indicated earlier in the meeting
that he had pain in his heart. I had joked with him and asked
whether his girlfriend had left him. Since we did not invite
him to be healed, Dr. John Tayoto, Pastor John Nathan (the "conservative" Baptist)
and I decided to heal him there and then. The young man said
that the pain was not in the superficial chest muscles but
deeper inside. We suspected that it could have something to
do with the heart and so took authority accordingly. Within
two authoritative commands, the pain was gone. Those who gathered
to watch gave glory to God. We did a couple of distant healing
but so far we had no confirmed verifiable results. We did hear
that one young child who was in intensive care at the hospital,
had recovered after the distant healing.

July, 2007
9.00 AM to 5.00 PM
Dr. John Tayoto, President of ACLEAD – Asian Center for
Leadership Education And Development, Science City of Munoz,
Nueva Ecija
Location: Muñoz Christian Church, 1331, Bantug Science
City of Muñoz, 3119 Nueva Ecija, Philippines
At Elijah Challenge Training Session
Asian Center for Leadership Education And Development (ACLEAD),
being a part of Munoz Christian Church, shares the same compound
as this 34 years old church. Dr. John Tayoto was the former
pastor of this church. The present pastor is Rev Joy S. Gabasa
who can be considered as an "eagle". He shows great
potential in becoming an Elijah Coordinator in Muñoz.
had only one full day to train the fifty plus pastors and church
leaders. This time, the organizers provided us with an LCD
projector. With eight hours of solid training in front of me,
I braced myself for the challenge. I had slept only four hours,
after familiarizing myself with The Elijah Challenge PowerPoint
and training notes to the wee dark hours of the night and early
nine in the morning, the worship started. After introduction
from Dr. Tayoto, the training began. I was glad that Grace
was managing the laptop. She seemed to know the materials better
than I did. The church was warm and we were perspiring profusely.
The participants were amazing because they seemed totally unperturbed
by the heat. They were paying attention and taking notes. As
I took my time to go through the PowerPoint, verse by verse,
they remained attentive. We took a lunch break at noon with
the promise of a demonstration of healing in the afternoon.
By one o'clock, the enthusiastic participants were back.
the slide showed the word, "Demonstration", it was
time for the real thing! Getting those who had pain to sit
in the front row, I proceeded to do a mass healing. The pastors
and those who had faith to heal were asked to stand in the
front with me. There were many amusing contorted positions
as the infirm people, who were in the front row, tried to place
their hands on the different affected areas of their bodies.
I told those who had pain in many parts of the body to simply
place their hands on their heads. Together all the Christians
and those leaders in the front raised our hands and with a
loud voice, I commanded all pains to leave and diseases to
go in the name of Jesus. There was a slight pause of silence
as we all waited for the results. I was relieved when a sister
testified that her painful shoulders and neck were healed.
Then a man with a painful arm testified. Another lady testified
in Tagalog of being healed of pain. I then taught the leaders
how to lay hands. As they laid their hands, I asked them to
follow me in uttering the commands. I had invited Pastor Joy
to join me on stage and he took over the commanding in Tagalog.
The testimonies started to pour in. A woman with tearing eyes
was healed. The tearing stopped immediately. A few people
with chest pain also found immediate relief. A veterinarian
who is a professor at the local university was healed of his
shoulder pain. A lady with numbness in her toes was healed
after a few rounds of commanding. There were some stubborn
cases where simple neck and shoulder pains refused to be healed.
For example, one man was not healed of his shoulder and neck
pain in spite of much effort in commanding. Another man almost
gave up hope as the leaders tried to heal him of his intense
back pain. I almost gave up too because after more than three
times of commanding, nothing seemed to work. I was literally
getting angry with this stubborn pain and commanding at the
top of my voice. Then the mountain moved. To my and everyone's
great relief, the man broke into a shy smile and gladly walked
to the stage and testified. An elderly lady was healed of her
ankle pain. A middle-aged sister testified about being healed
of migraine headache. Another difficult case was that of a
young sister who had pain in her right shoulder, arm, hand
and leg. I told those who were taking command to do so stage
by stage. The shoulder was healed instantly, followed by the
upper arm and hand. However, the right leg refused to be healed.
It was not until the following day, during the healing rally,
that she was completely healed. Even Pastor Joy commended that
this was truly a difficult but amazing healing case.
testimonies kept coming and I lost count. People were weeping
in joy and speaking excitedly in Tagalog. I had to ask another
pastor to interpret so as to fully comprehend the situation.
People were healed of sinus problem, eye problem, ear problem,
lung problem and all kinds of bodily pains. Strangely, there
were quite a number of people suffering from infection of the
throat and tonsillitis. An elderly lady whose right blind eye
could see light.

22 July, 2007
9.00 AM to 12.30 PM
Organizer: Pastor Joy S. Cabasa
Location: Muñoz Christian Church, 1331, Bantug
City of Muñoz, 3119 Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Sunday morning came in a hurry. As the previous day, I was teaching
on my feet for over eight hours and also ministering to the sick,
my legs were hurting. My wife, Grace and I did not take authority
over these overworked muscles but throughout the night, I just
rested my legs over a pillow. When dawn broke, my legs were feeling
great and I was ready for battle again.
Christian Church had existed for over 34 years but being in
a rural area, it seldom saw more
than sixty in weekly
attendance. However, on this particular Sunday, the church had
more people than its usual attendance. Pastor Joy S. Cabasa,
the senior pastor of the church, told me that there were a number
of first-time visitors and they had come to be healed. Somehow
the word had spread that people could get healed in this church.
After a short sermon comparing the difference between the way
faith healers healed and the way we, the trained believers, healed,
I proceeded to get the trained believers who came from that church
to heal the sick. (The other trained believers from other churches
would join us later in the evangelistic rally in the afternoon).
As consistent as clockwork, I began with mass healing. By that
time, all the trained believers were standing in a row behind
me. I then invited those who had tangible pain to occupy the
first two rows of chairs. (I somehow like this arrangement because
it makes it easier for those who are healed to quickly go up
the stage and testify. Subsequently, it would also be convenient
for the trained believers to lay hands on those who are not healed
during the mass healing session).
had Pastor Joy commanded in Tagalog after I had done it in
English. This was to provide hand-on training
for this 44-year
old Filipino pastor. He took the challenge like fish to water
and commanded with great confidence, power and authority. Then
I showed him how to direct the testimonies by asking the healed
people the right questions. He was told to keep the crowd excited
challenging comments that resulted in regular applause. In fact,
during the many informal meetings that we had with Pastor Joy,
we discovered that he had quickly caught the vision of Elijah
Challenge… just as Pastor Ana Liza Roxas of Cavite did.
(I later invited Pastor Joy to become the Coordinator of Elijah
Challenge in Nueva Ecija and he graciously accepted. The previous
week, Pastor Ana was already appointed as the Coordinator of
Elijah Challenge in Cavite).

Joy S. Cabasa
Apart from the trained believers, I also invited all Born-again
believers to stand and stretch out their hands over the group
of infirmed people at the front. The sick were ready to be healed
and had put their hands on the hurting or diseased areas of their
bodies. After the first command, four people stepped forward,
declaring being healed of shoulder pain, stomach pain, chest
pain and headache. A lady was weeping in joy as she testified
in Tagalog. I had to ask some of the people standing near me
to interpret her testimony to English for my benefit. (But after
some times there were just too many testifying in Tagalog and
I stopped asking for the interpretation. I just rejoiced that
they were healed and clapped with them). After the second mass
healing, three more people were healed. I asked Pastor Joy to
give the salvation call. Three people came forward to accept

The session, where the trained believers laid their hands on
the infirmed people, brought forth more glorious results. All
in all, ten more infirmed people were confirmed healed by the
power of God. A man who had lost his right arm was healed of
a shoulder pain right above the part where his arm was missing.
A middle-aged lady was very anxious about the condition of her
right leg. From the stage, I could see some of our trained believers
struggling to get it healed. The middle-aged lady kept shaking
her head after every command. Those faithful sisters did not
give up and went on taking authority. By that time, my wife,
Grace, had joined the fray. After one command, the middle-aged
lady began to weep and then hugged Grace. The pain in her leg
had experienced slight relief even there were still some shadows
of pain. Encouraged, the trained sisters and Grace gave the mountain
a final push and it crashed into the sea. With tears freely flowing
down her cheeks, this healed lady testified to glory of God.
The congregation applauded as they had witnessed how God had
allowed ordinary believers to exercise such authority to heal.

At the end of the church service, I laid hands on and prayed
for Pastor Joy and the trained leaders from his church as they
would be conducting the healing in the afternoon at the evangelistic
rally. After the prayer, someone came in and asked us to go out
and pray for an elderly lady who had suffered from a stroke.
They could not bring her into the church but let her remain in
the tricycle because the left side of her body was paralyzed.
Grace and I took authority over this humongous mountain. We were
squeezing ourselves into the tricycle so as to lay our hands
on her head and affected areas. The mountain hardly moved because
her paralyzed hand and leg felt nothing. As I gazed at the elderly
lady, her eyes were showing a beleaguered look. In my past experience,
this was the look of demonic presence and I turned from commanding
healing to commanding the demons to leave. To our pleasant surprise,
the elderly lady started to have feeling and sensations in her
left arm and leg. As the son, daughter and daughter-in-law are
all Christians, we instructed them to use the Elijah Challenge's
approach to heal their mother.

22 July, 2007
2.00 PM – 5.00 PM
Evangelistic Healing Rally At Muñoz
Organizers: Dr. John Tayoto and Pastor Joy S. Cabasa
Rally Location: Muñoz Christian Church, 1331, Bantug
Science City of Muñoz, 3119 Nueva Ecija, Philippines

The blazing sun did not prevent the crowd from
turning up for the Evangelistic Healing Rally at 2.00 PM. The
sanctuary was
filling up fast and ushers were putting in more chairs. In spite
of countless fans blowing at full blast, everybody was perspiring
profusely. My fresh barong Tagalog was also getting soaked with
perspiration. However, the atmosphere in the church was that
of anticipation and excitement. This first evangelistic rally
was organized by ACLEAD, Muñoz Christian Church and ten
or more churches in Muñoz. Muñoz Christian Church
is Evangelical and does not advocate speaking in tongues. Joining
in the rally were Baptist and Conservative Baptist churches.
There were also Pentecostal and Charismatic churches. It was
very exciting to see all these pastors from different denominations
and beliefs mingling together in one location.
My opening scripture verses were taken from Matthew
24 about the signs of the end of the Age. I wanted the congregation
know that "this is not just the End-Time but the end of
the End-Time. The spirit of Elijah is now being manifested so
that many people may come to know the Lord in a personal way".
There were heads nodding in agreement among the crowd. Even though
Pastor Joy and Dr. John assured me that there would be no need
for interpretation into Tagalog; I suspected that half of the
congregation did not know what I was talking about.
To build faith, I invited the elderly "Pastora" who
was healed of a knee pain two days ago to testify in Tagalog
what the Lord had done for her. Those who were healed previously
were also asked to raise their hands. Trained believers who came
from different churches were invited to the front to get ready
for battle. The infirmed who filled three rows of seats in the
front were asked to place their hands on the affected areas of
their bodies. By this time, Pastor Joy had become familiar with
the repertoire of commands in Tagalog. He and I took turns to
command the diseases and pains to leave.

two rounds of taking authority, seven people were healed.
One of them was the
same elderly lady pastor who received an additional healing
on her painful left arm and shoulder joint. A lady with back
testified that there was no more pain. Another lady with
migraine headache was instantly healed. An asthma sufferer
testified that her breathing difficulty had left her after
the mass
Another middle-aged lady shared about various body pains
having disappeared. A middle-aged man, who just had a stroke
on his
right side, came forth to testify that the head and arm pain
had left him.

Pastor Joy then invited people to acknowledge Christ as the
great Healer and to accept Him as their Savior. He asked those
who desired to become disciples to pray along with him. The salvation
prayer uttered in Tagalog could be heard loudly as everybody
repeated after Pastor Joy.
who were healed in the mass healing vacated their seats at
the front, so that others who needed healing
may occupy them.
These seats were quickly taken by sick people who were suffering
from all kinds of diseases… some were as serious as tuberculosis,
cancers, high-blood pressure and strokes. The trained believers
then descended upon the infirmed people and laid hands on them.
They repeated with great fervor and faith as Pastor Joy and I
gave the commands for these diseases to go in the name of Jesus.
the first to testify was an elderly lady who was healed of
her arthritis pain. A very old man was healed of the pain
in his legs and he gave thanks to Jesus. (I was later told that
this man was the richest landowner in that region). A mother
testified of being healed of pain in her body and wanted us to
pray for her baby who had festering sores on the head. We did
and she was thankful. A woman wept when she recalled how consistent
pain in her abdomen had bothered her daily. She gave thanks to
the Lord for healing her instantly. There were quite a number
of people who had their painful shoulders and arms healed.
was very easy to verify healing among people who suffered from
tangible painful conditions. Those who were hobbling or
limping because of pain in their legs or knees, made very good
testimonies after they were healed. Everybody could see that
they could walk normally again. Some of those healed even danced,
jumped or squatted to prove that they were healed and all these
created great impact on the unbelievers.

An interesting healing case belonged to a lady who came with
a walking stick. After the healing of her hips and legs, to loud
applause, she testified that she would throw away her walking
stick. She simply had no need for it anymore.

There was this lady who was sitting patiently
holding up her painful fingers. Nothing happened to her in
the mass healing.
I noticed her looking up with pleading eyes – almost like
begging to be healed. After two of the trained believers took
authority, her pain was instantly gone. What a joy to see her
testified to the glory of God.
An old lady hurt her head in an accident two years ago. However,
during the rally, she did not get healed. Sister Grace found
out that for over one year, this old lady had sought the help
of witchdoctors and consumed their medicine. In her home, she
still has many charms and idols. The lady pastor from her area
promised to clear and burn all these charms and idols so as to
break the bondage of their control over her life. Then the lady
pastor and her lay pastor would take authority and heal her.
We were pleased that local pastors are taking responsibilities
and using their authority to heal the people in their areas.
Another lady had complication in her digestive system. According
to her, the doctor discovered that her intestines had grown abnormally
and they were causing difficulty in her bowel movement. During
the time of healing, the trained believers could feel definite
movement in her abdomen. The lady said something had moved inside
her abdomen and she had felt a definite relief of pressure. She
knew that she was healed. Tears of joy flowed down her cheeks
as she gave praise to God.
were quite a number of people with high blood pressure, diabetes,
cancers, tuberculosis, thyroid problems and goitres
who claimed that they were healed. We asked them to go for medical
check-up. They were told to bring the medical reports and show
them to their pastors. We need to see actual evidences of healing
before we can document them.
By this time, Sister Grace and I had lost count of the many
healing testimonies because we were also busy healing the sick.
We saw some trained believers struggling and showing signs of
frustration. Some were obviously discouraged by their repeated
fruitless efforts. That was when we joined our faith with theirs
and got rid of many mountains.
A line of infirmed people was forming in front
of me as they waited for me to heal them. Somehow, they thought
that I had
more healing power than the other trained believers. A lady pastor
from a Baptist church was helping me with the interpretation
and also commanding along with me. When we laid hands on these
infirmed people, most of the pains were gone within one or two
commands. Whether they were back pain, head pain, hand pain,
leg pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, etc, the "dunamis" of
God was almost like flowing out of my hands as I felt heat in
my palms. In my mind, I was hoping that this was the result of
God endowing me with the gift of healing. This series of instant
healing was just too good to be healing by authority.
My "gift of healing" idea came crashing down after
I was given a gigantic mountain. Brother Ong, my father-in-law
led me to a young man who was blind since he was one-year old.
Under the watchful eyes of this man's pastor and those around
me, I failed to even cause a single ray of light to penetrate
this man's blind eyes. After every command, he would say, "bulag!" His
pastor told me that the word "bulag" was Tagalog for "blind".
In desperation, I asked permission to put saliva on his eyelids
and the blind man agreed. After the saliva treatment and lots
of commanding, it was still "bulag". I felt a deep
disappointment in my spirit. It was as though I was chastised
by the Lord for having so little faith. The early disciples must
have felt the same way when being chastised by our Lord for not
being able to heal the demon-possessed boy. I promised myself
that I would fast and pray the next time so as to exercise more
mountain-moving faith. Thankfully, there were so many other miracles
that outweighed this one failure. The testimonies of countless
healed people brought joy and encouragement to my heart.
The healing ministry went on until past five
o'clock in the afternoon and by then we were all exhausted.
It was a very hot,
long and tedious day. The crowd had dispersed and so we headed
for our hostel, reminiscing and rejoicing at what the Lord had
done in Muñoz that day.

Luke 10:9 "Heal
the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"