Albert Kang was trained under
The Elijah Challenge
"Praise the Lord for training us. You do not know
how grateful we are. This is the first time so many signs and
wonders are happening in my ministry and in such a short time.
...Honestly, in my 25 years of ministry, I have never experienced
so many
miracles in such a short time."
Report from the Philippines
July 12, 2007
the Lord. We had a great first session last night at The River
of God Christian Fellowship at Bacoor, Cavite.
There were 27 people present for training and they represented
some 8 churches from that area. Since it was a Wednesday night,
we were told that many people were involved in their Bible
Studies or Prayer Meetings. There were 10 pastors present and
so it was
an eye-opening session for them. They did not have the LCD
projector and so I just taught directly from the Bible. They
were visibly
interested and for three hours, everybody was still listening
During the demonstration, I asked those who had tangible pain
to come forward. Five people came forward and everybody was watching
to see what would happen. Then I asked if anyone would care to
lay hands on the first man who was limping badly because of the
arthritis in his knees. Two young men jumped up in great faith.
Later I found out that they were pastors who had been asking
the Lord for empowerment in their ministries.
Soon more people joined in and I asked the two young pastors,
Grace and Bro Ong, (my father-in-law), to lay hands upon the
knees of this old man. The first time, he had slight relief of
the pain. I explained the way you did and told them that the
mountain has moved slightly. I commanded but did not lay hands.
All the hand-laying was done by the rest. The second time, the
man could move his knees freely. On the third time, I asked one
of the young pastors to give the command, and the rest laid their
hands on the man's knees. The miracle happened and in that instance,
he was totally healed of the pain.
He also had a frozen shoulder and this time, after about the
fourth try, he still had the shadow of pain. However, it was
not at the end of the service, while he was walking out to the
door that I stopped him. I personally took authority over his
frozen arm and immediately he was relieved and his pain gone.
This man is a deacon from another church. His wife also had a
frozen shoulder. After about three times of commanding, the wife's
shoulder was relieved of some pain. Then I told the people that
I would use my firepower - my dear wife, Grace. I knew that Grace
had tremendous faith in healing and so I leveraged upon that.
She took over the command and with much authority ordered the
frozen shoulder to be healed and the pain to go. I knew the pressure
was upon her because of my sudden announcement that she was my
firepower. She commanded longer than normal. When she stopped,
the deacon's wife broke into a wide grin and began to wave her
arm and praise the Lord. She was completely healed.
Another significant healing was the healing of a pastor's wife.
Her eyes were painful and that even spread to the forehead. The
eyes would regularly tear up and flow down her cheeks. I had
some sisters laying hands on her eyes. Within one command, the
pain was gone immediately and the eyes stop tearing. Today, we
had lunch with her and her husband, Pastor Juan and they testified
to that fact that God had miraculously healed her last night.
A young lady had strange pain symptoms in her abdomen and back.
The doctors could not diagnose the source of the problem. Last
night, after the disciples took authority, she was completely
healed. Another young lady had painful sores in her mouth and
pain on her left side. Without me laying hands, the disciples
did miracles. She was healed completely.
After the demonstration, the people clapped profusely and later
some came over and said that at first they were skeptical. However,
the Lord showed that they could heal with the authority of Christ.
One of the young pastors who jumped up when I initially invited
people to lay hands was Pastor Esias Velma. He said that he came
from a Baptist background but was also influenced by the Charismatics.
He was skeptical about the teaching because he felt that he had
no gift of healing. However, when the scripture was read and
he realized that he had the authority, he quickly responded to
my call for anyone who wanted to heal. Pastor Ruel is another
young pastor who took over the church when his father, the former
pastor, passed away suddenly last year. He was to hold an Evangelistic
Crusade next month and felt that he needed real power and anointing
to do that. He prayed and prayed. Last night's session was the
answer to his prayers because he never really expected such miracles
could happen through his exercising of God's authority.
Praise the Lord! Thank you for training us to train others.
We are now really doing it!"

12 July 2007
River of God Christian Fellowship 7.00 PM
Elijah Challenge Training
Session 2
the final night of training, the crowd had swelled from 27
to 62. The sanctuary was practically full. The words had spread
that this training was different from what they used to have.
One pastor told us that he had practically text (sms) every member
and insisted that they should attend. As there were new participants,
I went through some of the previous night's lessons with them.
Then I taught them mass healing and also distant healing. In
the mass healing, strangely, most of the healing happened to
the congregation sitting on my left.
The first lady came forth weeping and raising her hands. She
was healed of a serious back pain. An older woman walked to the
stage, smiling with joy because the Lord had healed her of stomach
ache. Another lady testified that she was healed of her shoulder
pain that had troubled her for a long time. Then I conducted
another round of mass healing. After asking everybody to lay
hands on his or her affected areas of the body, I took authority
over all these pains and diseases. This time, more people were
healed. A sister was visibly touched by the Lord when she shared
about her agony and how God had healed her of chest pain. Another
sister wept as she told the congregation of how her headache
was healed instantly. After demonstrating mass healing, I told
the participants that at this juncture, we would usually call
for salvation. After a few testimonies, people should be convinced
of the tangible power of Christ to heal and save them. They should
be ready to response to the call for salvation.
The next demonstration I did for the benefits of those who attended
for the first time was direct-contact healing. Once again, I
invited those who had faith to heal to step forward. About ten
believers bravely walked forward. Among them were the two young
pastors, Pastor Esias Vilmer and Pastor Ruel. Pastor Juan, a
senior pastor who invited us to his fish farm also stood forth.
There were a couple of other pastors whom I had not been able
to get their names at the time of this report. The sick and infirm
were invited to come and stand in front of these people of faith.
I led them in giving the authoritative command for the diseases
and pains to go.
The first lady to testify of contact-healing was the mother
of the host pastor, Rev Caesar. She is eighty-plus years old
and God had healed her of her back pain. Later, after the service,
she did little dance to prove that her bad back was completely
healed. A couple more ladies testified of the healing of their
backs. I had noticed a young lady holding on to her fingers while
we were doing the mass healing. She was not healed then but after
the contact-healing, she testified that the pain in her fingers
was gone. After that testimony, I conducted the second round
of contact healing. More testimonies were given as people were
healed. A lady with a sore throat was healed. I was a little
surprised by the fact that God would even heal some who had menial
infirmities. One sister had wanted to do the healing but she
herself had painful fingers. So I told her to get healed first.
Some ladies prayed for her and all the fingers were healed except
for one. This sister was so anxious that tears rolled down her
cheeks. The strange thing about this finger was that it got healed
joint by joint. It took the healers many rounds but one last
joint of the finger remained painful. I later found out that
this lady's finger was completely healed when she returned home.
There was a relapse case. The previous night, a lady with pain
in her abdomen and back was healed. However, in this session,
she said that the pain had come back. As some of the sisters
who were praying for her were not getting result, I asked Grace
to help them. The sister was healed instantly and later she became
very close with Grace. She even wanted to invite us to her home.
Grace also helped to take authority of the arthritic fingers
of one older sister. All the fingers were healed but one of them
produced a clicking sound. After a few commands, the clicking
sound disappeared.
The old deacon whom I thought was completely healed the previous
night, came back with the same sore right shoulder. The Lord
had healed him of his painful knees and also caused his right
frozen shoulder to have better mobility. Pastor Ruel and Pastor
Esias were among those who prayed for him. The mountain did move
but not far enough. There was still a slight pain as he raised
his hand. Later, he questioned his pastor who happened to be
Pastor Ruel that could it be some sins in his life that had prevented
this complete healing. His pastor encouraged him to confess whatever
sins that he could recall. It was not until the healing crusade
that he was to find complete relief. It was at the end of the
crusade that I asked the old deacon about his shoulder. He said
that it was still there. Apparently he had given up hope of ever
being completely healed. A sense of anger rose within me and
I immediately took authority over his right shoulder. I was visibly
angry at this stubborn pain and was commanding it to leave in
a very loud voice. I asked the deacon to raise his hand while
I continued to take authority. Twice I did that and the pain
left completely. A wide grin broke on the deacon's face. He then
crouched like a boxer and gave a few jabs in the air. He was
healed in spite of his faith being tested.
all the testimonies, I continued to teach about taking authority
over the flesh. As training session was coming to a
close, I gave some instructions on what to expect at the healing
crusade to be conducted on the following day. I had planned to
anoint each participant with oil but the time was getting really
late and so I did a mass prayer for them. I asked our Lord to
give them faith, courage and wisdom to do the healing. Everyone
raised his or her hands to receive the blessing. The training
ended with the participants full of anticipation and enthusiasm."
13 July 2007
Elijah Challenge Evangelistic Crusade
Addas 4 Basketball Court
- Bacoor
6.00 PM - 10.00 PM
we were visiting the preaching site, we noticed heavy dark
clouds in the sky. Then the shower came in the afternoon but
slightly before 6.00 PM, it stopped. Grace, Brother Ong and I
had rested for the big night. When we arrived at the basketball
court where the healing crusade was to be held, the brethrens
had done a good job with the decoration. Pastor Juan had taken
the lead in setting up the physical aspect of the crusade.
There was no raised stage but a sizeable space
in front of a backdrop. The left side of the backdrop had the
word, "Healing" while
the other had the word, "Crusade". The center piece
was a beautiful blue banner that had the name "Jesus".
Radiating below that name were eight words, "loves, saves,
heals, redeems, delivers, forgives, restores and cares".
At the bottom was the word "returns" in big lettering
and slogan challenging the people to "take it all".
The sound system was up and the musicians who came from Pastor
Ruel's church were already practising. Rows of plastic chairs
had been neatly placed and there were about twenty early "birds" occupying
some of the seats. I recognised that some of them were the trained
disciples. Pastor Anna took advantage of the loud sound system
and invited the villagers to come for "free healing".
I believe the whole village could hear her invitation.
As the evening set in, the people began to come. By seven, most
of the seats were taken. There were about two hundred people
present. The crusade started with beautiful worship songs. Pastor
Ruel and his wife, Pastor Idis did a fantastic job in leading
the worship. The Filipinos must be one of the most gifted musicians
and singers in Asia.
With a very short introduction, Pastor Reggie
presented me to the crowd. My message was simple – the
Lord of the universe loves us! Included in the message was a
little story about the fall of Lucifer and how he was responsible
for the diseases and pains. Then I concluded by proclaiming the
proof of God's love - God was going to tangibly heal them. When
they were to see the healing, they must choose to give their
lives to Jesus. I also told them about the ten lepers and only
one came back to thank Jesus. I asked them to promise that when
Jesus healed them they would testify. The people responded positively
and so I explained to them about mass healing. They were to place
their hands on the affected parts of their bodies while I took
authority over these pains and diseases.
By this time, the trained disciples were asked
to come forward and face the congregation. As they raised their
hands to heal
the congregation, they repeated after every of my commands. As
trained by Pastor William, I commanded all the diseases and pains
to leave in the name of Jesus. Whenever, I said, "go",
the trained disciples were especially keyed up in repeating that
loudly. After the command, I asked if anyone was healed. There
was a moment of silence as my eyes searched the crowd for signs
of response. For a brief moment, I thought no one was healed.
Then a very old and hunched lady stood and walked up slowly.
With toothless smile, she grabbed my microphone and spoke in
Tagalog. She told the crowd that God had healed her of her intense
back pain and that she sincerely wanted to thank Him. The crowd
applauded. One by one, those who were healed found their courage
and stepped forward. There were a total of seven people being
healed of various ailments and they took turn to testify. After
the mass healing, I told the crowd that it was time for them
to accept Christ as their Savior. They had seen the miracles
and these proved that they could trust Christ to help and save
them. I asked them to close their eyes and bowed their heads.
When the call for decision was finally made, hands shot up all
over the place. Later, the local pastors confirmed that some
of those who raised their hands were church attendees. After
seeing the miracles, they had also rededicated their lives to
the Lord. I asked those who accepted Christ to stand up and follow
Pastor Caesar in the salvation prayer in Tagalog. This they did
with great enthusiasm.
The next phase was the contact-healing session. I explained
that those who did not get healed during the mass healing could
now be healed by the laying of hands. The ladies were to go to
the side where the trained female disciples were while the men
would go to be healed by the trained male disciples. The infirm
came forth and the healing began. The trained disciples followed
my commands as they laid hands on those who stood before them.
Two or three persons were to minister one patient. Then in subsequent
healing, they were to choose a leader to lead their team in ministering
healing to the infirm. One by one, those who were healed came
forward to testify. People who suffered from back pain, shoulder
pain, knee pain, body pain and pain in the feet, were healed.
A deaf woman got her ears opened. One older man who had kidney
problem was prayed for. At the end of the crusade, we saw him
standing up and praising God with uplifted hands and a few dance
steps. The old deacon with a frozen left shoulder was healed
at the end of the service too. Pastor Clairebell was also healed
of the pain in her knees and was seen rejoicing with Grace. All
in all, there were 27 or more people healed.
local pastors were very excited and I challenged them to extend
the crusade for one more day. To my amazement, they agreed.
Since I would be preaching in another province, Pastor Anna would
take the lead and preach at the healing crusade tomorrow. Praise
God that the Elijah Challenge has so quickly and unexpectedly
passed on to the Filipino churches and now they would be doing
the healing crusade by themselves. They are expecting more people
tomorrow because those who were healed would be inviting their
friends, neighbours and relatives. I trust that this will give
them great encouragement to continue spreading the Elijah Challenge
End-time method of Evangelization throughout the Philippines."

14 July 2007
High Praise Preaching Point @ Santa Rosa, Laguna
6.00 PM
sound of singing filled the little street as our van turned
the corner. When we got out, we saw a very
welcoming sight – a
small crowd of 50 people were worshipping at a house. A tent
that occupied the full width of the street was set up because
there was rain in the afternoon. The rain did not seem to affect
the attendance and enthusiastic worship that was going on.
This home belonged to a couple who used to worship at High Praise
Church at Bacoor, Cavite. The unusually long journey had become
burdensome for them and their children. Last October, Pastor
Reggie, our branch pastor at Bacoor, challenged them to open
their house for bible study. They took up the challenge but having
little experience in evangelism, they were a little concerned
that people may not show up. They planned to have bible study
once a month but that was quickly changed. In a short while,
it became a full-fledged weekly affair. Every Saturday, Pastor
Reggie and his family would make the one-hour drive to minister
at this barrio known as Golden City at Santa Rosa. Now with more
than 50 adults and children, the house church has become too
crowded and spilled into the street.
The evening was filled with programs. The enthusiastic lady
worship leader has a good voice and she led with exceptional
skill. To the thrill of their parents and elders, children were
encouraged to come forward one by one so as to recite memory
verses. There were applauses and much laughter because the Filipino
believers are generally very happy people. A team of five girls,
most probably in their early teenage years, performed and sang
two special items. They were a little off-key but the crowd applauded
loudly to encourage them. After a couple more worship songs,
the children were asked to go to their Sunday School classes
or rather Saturday School classes. I was then asked to preach
to the adults and older teens.
Reggie had distributed flyers about me preaching on the topic
of healing and so I took that as an
indication from the
Lord. After sharing my testimony of how I being a former Buddhist,
came to know the Lord, I moved quickly to the topic of healing.
Using portions from Luke 9 and 10, I explained the meaning of "authority".
They loved the illustration of the Singapore policewomen. A single
petite policewoman in the middle of a crossroad was able to halt
all the big trucks, buses and vehicles with one raised hand.
That, I proclaimed, was "authority"!
it came to the actual demonstration of healing, I was at a
dilemma. Should I do it with Grace and my father-in-law
should I do a quick training and let the people do the healing
themselves? I decided to take the risk and give them instant
half-hour training. First, the leaders of the house church were
identified and they came and sat nearer to the front. Then I
explained about the three anointings – priestly, prophetic
and kingly anointing. I then showed
them the wrong way of praying for the sick [that is, by mixing
the prayer and commanding]. One moment, I was looking up into
asking God to help,
and then
next instance, I commanded the diseases to come out, then back
again to staring at heaven. However, this time I pretended to
speak in tongues, then jumped right back to cast out the diseases.
Back and forth, back and forth and the crowd burst out in laughter
as they loved the little theatrics. After the brief training
with references to the Word of God, the leaders were asked to
come forth and take authority. While I was explaining to them
that when using their kingly authority, they should not close
their eyes or massage the victim with their hands, an older lady
who sat in the front with her adult daughter suddenly stood up.
She interrupted me and like the woman who was persistent in touching
the hem of Jesus' garment, she wanted her daughter to be healed
at that instance. I looked down and saw a thin dark young lady
holding her abdomen and grimacing in pain. With little choice
but to minister to her, I asked the leaders to follow me in commanding
the pain to leave. With expectation, every eye in that little
church was fixed on us. After the first command, I asked the
daughter if she was healed. She was motioning with her hands
but did not talk. Her mother explained that her daughter was
deaf in one ear and suffering from tuberculosis. Then she told
some of the leaders in Tagalog that her daughter had communicated
that the pain in her stomach was gone. I did not understand that
and wanted to take authority again. However, one of the leaders
told me in English that there was no need for the second round.
To confirm, I pointed at the daughter's abdomen and she smiled
and nodded profusely. She was healed.
Later, at the end of the service, Grace and I took this daughter
to one side and rebuked the deafness in her left ear. On the
first round of taking authority, her ear was instantly opened
to great amazement of her mother, church leaders and members.
A leader tested her ear by making her repeat certain words. She
was able to do that and the crowd applauded. With tears in her
eyes, the mother testified about how the doctors had given up
hope on her daughter's ears and that tonight God had proved the
doctors wrong. We also took authority over for the daughter's
tuberculosis and instructed her to get a confirmation of healing
from her doctor.
The mother also wanted healing for her headache and neck pain.
While the leaders laid their hands on her, I took authority over
these pains in a loud voice. After commanding them twice, her
pains were gone.
Another miracle happened to an old man who had suffered from
a stroke some two months ago. The newly trained leaders laid
hands on his painful legs and I led in the first command. Then
I passed the microphone to the worship lady to give the command.
It took her three rounds but the pain in the old man's leg was
gone. He got up and walked around without any discomfort at all.
Then he wanted a numb thumb to be healed. The trained disciples
took authority and that was healed on the very first round.
A young lady, whom I was told, was sceptical but the Lord healed
her of her back and shoulder pain. Another big mountain that
was moved was in the form that of a man's injured hand. This
man was the owner of the house and had a serious accident on
his right arm. A machine fell on it and broke it. His bone was
attached with two pieces of metal. However, since the surgery,
he had little feeling throughout the length of that injured arm.
One of the leaders took the lead in Tagalog and the rest of the
leaders and some other motivated Christians laid their hands
on this man's arm. As Grace and I watched, the miracle happened.
The man smiled because when one of the leaders pinched his arm,
he felt the sensation. He later told me that the sensation of
his arm had become completely normal.
night session ended with a prayer for all the members of this
church to use their newfound authority
to heal the sick
in their barrio and beyond. It was a wonderful night of impartation
and we can only say, "Wow! What a wonderful Saviour that
we have!"
the Lord for training us. You do not know how grateful we are.
This is the first time so many signs and wonders are happening
in my ministry and in such a short time.

July 20, 2007
Praise God for the training that you both gave to so many servants
of Christ. Grace, Brother Ong and I are being blessed by so many,
many miracles. Honestly, in my 25 years of ministry, I have never
experienced so many miracles in such a short time.
Sunday, we were preaching at our branch church in Cavite. During
the healing session, a man was healed of stomach problem,
a sister of shoulder pain. However, the most interesting healing
was that of an old lady who was in her 70s. She had pain in her
knees and that was instantly healed. We noticed that her daughter
was shouting into her partially deaf ears. So we enquired and
the daughter told us that they had to do that so she could hear.
I put my hands into her ears and commanded the ears to be opened.
To our surprise, especially mine (talk about mountain-moving
faith), she said that she could hear clearly. Her daughter tested
her by speaking to her from behind her back. She was able to
repeat every word. Praise God that she was completely healed.
Everybody in the church gave the Lord a loud and rowdy clap offering.
Yesterday, the caretaker of the house where we were staying while
in Baguio was complaining about pain in her inner left ear and
numbness at the side of her ear. She was suffering from some
kind of ear infection. Immediately with Pastor Ana, Pastor Reggie,
Brother Ong and Grace, I took authority. Within
3 rounds, the pain was completely gone and the numbness as
After this Pastor Ana herself held training for her people.
See her report below on what the Lord did during the training.
Received from Pastor Albert on July 22, 2007:
This is the latest report from one of your "grandchildren." After
we left Cavite, Pastor Ana conducted her own training and she
is enjoying the same power of healing among her congregation.
It’s really fun to see how God's power is manifesting throughout.
The River of God Church
7 PM, July 20, 2007
from Elijah’s Challenge Bacoor,
Cavite. Praise the Lord for what He has been doing for His
people here in Bacoor.
Today we had Elijah's Challenge during our Prayer Meeting. Our
Prayer Meeting normally starts at 7 PM. I decided to have the
training instead, because our youth were not able to attend due
to their schooling. We had our prayer meeting by 6:45 PM and
then Elijah's Challenge Training.
Nine (9) youth attended, (4) children and (12) adults. I trained
them first and then hands on. I was so excited. Many were healed.
During the first round, 3 were healed. One was healed from neck
pain, another was healed with whole body pain because of stress
due to his school examination, another was healed from a headache.
During the 2nd round: The one healed from the neck pain was
healed also from eye pain. The one with headache had mouth sores
also and was healed. One was healed with back pain and eye pain.
the 3rd round: The one with a lump in her breast was healed.
According to her, she was already suffering
from pain
several days ago. During the first round nothing happened, during
the 2nd round there was heat on her left breast and during the
3rd round the lump (marble size) was gone. Praise the Lord. Another
one was healed from acidity and another was healed from stomach
pain. Another one who had pain due to varicose veins was healed
in Jesus’ name.
are all enjoying the goodness of the Lord! PRAISE OUR GOOD
am so grateful to be part of Elijah's Challenge. I believe
that it is time for me to fly high again. Pastor Albert is
such a blessing to the Philippines. He has taught us from
the heart.
So with Sis. Grace.
I believe in these last days, the eagles have to soar high for
the kingdom of God. I can never boast for anything but only
the "Presence of God". It is
my heart cry that when I see the Lord face to face, the work that I did is
all GOLD not wood or hay.
How I love to serve the people of God and be part of the army
of God! I look forward to seeing you coming to our nation!
In Christ,
Pastora Ana Liza Roxas

reports from Pastora Ana Liza Roxas
July 25, 2007
be to the Lord our King who takes care of His people and prove
His Kingship over us and His Kingdom.
Today is our prayer meeting at home. Me and my husband decided
to conduct Healing in the church instead. Actually, those who
have been healed invited a lot of people but those who were invited
did not attend.
one man who was terribly sick attended. He was invited by one
our member who had backslidden for months and returned
to church lately.
name of the man is Mr. Antonio. Seems to me, the service is
solely for him. He was bedridden for 4 months and the sickness
has been with him for 3 years. He looks like a skeleton, so thin.
He cannot walk straight. During the praise and worship, he was
just sitting---not even a movement from him. I preached the gospel
and later on he accepted the Lord. He was sitting while we are
praying for his acceptance. After he accepted the Lord, immediately,
I asked the councilors (those who were trained) to lay hands
on him as I directed the command. Two rounds did it!
God! This man was healed from chest pain, back pain, buttocks
pain, he could not lift his hand but now he can lift it.
He could not even walk straight but he was able to walk briskly.
It was an awesome time for a man healed from tuberculosis. Praise
be to God!
Ptra. Ana Liza Roxas
Reports from Pastor Reggie Nebalasca, Cavite

Luke 10:9 "Heal
the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"