Moses the servant of God being restored"
Pastor Albert attended the Kuala Lumpur Elijah Challenge
Seminar in December 2005. The Lord has used him to plant
16 churches and 3 orphanages in Asia and the USA. His first
church in Singapore grew
from 23 people to 1,700
within six years. Today, his ministry is based in Malaysia.
He serves as a Church Growth Consultant to various churches
and also conducts Church Growth Seminars. In June 2007
Pastor Albert become the Coordinator of Elijah Challenge
December 2005
teachings have been most enlightening and balanced. I have
always been skeptical
about preachers who
have the gift of healing but no gift of teaching. On many occasions
when they teach, some of them get the theology so confusingly
wrong that it becomes detrimental to the ministry. However,
you are different - you are a gifted teacher with a clear message
about the believers' authority to heal. Then you prove your
by your anointed action. Apart from these, you also cut out
all the frills and get to the real substance."
"...[the following Sunday at our morning service] I called
for people who desired to be healed of diseases to come forward.
About 5 people walked down. I noticed an elderly lady and her
daughter came along with them. They were new visitors in our
church. The adult daughter was helping her mother describe to
the altar workers about the pain in her leg, side and arms. Other
altar workers were also attending to the other four – one
of them was a young child.
As you have taught me, I took authority over all the diseases
by commanding them to go in the name of Jesus. I also asked the
workers and congregation to repeat after me loudly. Honestly,
I was a little hesitant inside but I put on a brave front and
kept up with my exercise of mountain-moving faith. After the
whole event, I dared not ask the people to testify. What if they
were not healed?
the elderly lady was waving her hands furiously and bending
her knees. Her adult daughter was clapping
and smiling
from cheek to cheek. I asked for the healing to be verified
and managed to get the lady up onstage to testify. Praise God… in
spite of my “hesitant” faith, this lady was visibly
and gloriously healed. God is so merciful and knew how new I
was with this kind of approach...The people were so excited about
this new healing method that some of them asked me to do this
every week.”
"It is now 2.32 AM and we had just completed our first training
three hours ago at my home. There were 13 of us. We had the LCD
projector on and so we went through the first part of your Powerpoint
presentation. After the session, some of us went to have supper
at a nearby Malay stall. The feedback from these brothers and
very positive. They were very thrilled by the newfound authority
over diseases and demons. This coming Sunday, we will have a
little practice in our Chinese service. We are trusting God to
use us mightily in touching lives for Jesus."

Sunday, we prayed for a sister from China who had consistent
ringing sound in her ears. One of the sisters took the lead in
commanding this ringing to go away. Well, it obviously went
away. I counter
checked with the sister twice... just to be sure. She was sure
that the ringing sound was completely gone.
Last night, right after the Christmas caroling, one of the sisters
was praying for Sister Kim, the middle-aged cancer patient whom
met during
the crusade and described in your website report. Sister Kim
was complaining about pain in her chest area. The believers took
authority over this pain and it was immediately gone. Praise
the Lord.
Today, I received an SMS from Sis Kim testifying: "May God
guide and bless the healing ministry of High Praise Church to
be a success and eventually prosper and expand High Praise Church" and
she concluded with these words: 'I am healed by His stripes.
Much pains are gone. Hallelujah.'
For two Sundays, just before preaching, my nose started to drip.
I believe you know how irritating that can be while sermonizing.
We exercised our mountain-moving faith and commanded
the nose to stop dripping. Twice we did that and twice the nose
stopped instantly. It was so amazing! Hallelujah.
We are so thrilled by this newfound authority and we are using
it with more faith than before. Thank you so much for teaching
and showing us this 'hidden' power of Christ."
"Our Chinese Service's pastor, Rev Edward Chiu's mother-in-law
was in coma after taking the wrong medicine for her tuberculosis.
She was in that situation for 4 days and she was about 260 kilometers
away from us in Kuala Lumpur. On December 18, Pastor Chiu and
I took authority over the coma by using the healing-at-a-distance
approach. We commanded the mother-in-law's body to respond to
the healing touch of Jesus and also for her to be revived from
her coma. We did that at around 3.30 PM and by 5 PM, the unsaved
sister-in-law discovered that the mother had awaken. As of the
time of this email, she is well and back to normal. Praise the
Lord. Now we know that healing-at-a-distance works also with
Yesterday, during the altar time of our Christmas service, there
was a Musl__m lady who was healed of migraine headache. We thank
God that her headache was gone immediately. Later the friend
who brought her told me that she was a Musl__m who had recently
been saved.
team was praying
for Sister Kim again because the latter had some serious pain
in the chest
area and her hips.
After the first command, the pain in the chest was immediately
gone and it was only on the second command that the pain in the
hip left. Sister Kim then stood up from her wheelchair, waved
her hands vigorously and started praising God loudly. The whole
church exploded into a loud applause. …She was beaming
widely during the fellowship time.
again, we thank our God for sending you and Sister Lucille
our way. We should have met you both earlier. Imagine how many
years we have wasted on doing 'powerless' ministries."

January 2006
just came back from a morning of exciting ministry at the Sheraton
Subang Hotel. Today, we had 100% healing rate. Five
people came up front to be prayed for and all were healed. One
lady who visited our church occasionally was healed instantly
of the pain on her right shoulder. Another elderly lady was healed
of her lower back pain. Two brothers and one sister were healed
of the pain in their knees.
Seah, who is 86 years old, had arthritis pain in his left knee.
I did not lay hand but the rest of the team, led by
one of the trained sisters, did and he was instantly healed and
testified. Strangely after his pain was gone, Brother Lawrence,
who was
praying for
him, suddenly felt that his knee was hurting badly. He did not
say anything and thought that it would go away. But the pain
persisted. When I called for more people to respond to the healing
ministry, he came up by faith and was instantly healed.
Even though I have been a church minister since 1982, I am now
ready to get back to child-like faith. I am regaining my sense
of wonder and awe again as I become regularly amazed by all the
things that God has done and is still doing.
be encouraged that by doing what you are doing now, you two
are in the middle
of God’s will. So many of us are being blessed and this
blessing does not just occur during the seminar or healing rally.
It is a continuous kind of blessing.
We know that as you share about the Elijah’s spirit,
it will affect many pastors and church leaders… and most
importantly, it will affect the thousands upon thousands of
nameless, faceless lay people. Imagine what the End-time churches
can do when all their members are released into the world with
such power and anointing to heal and cast out demons. The devil
and his demons will have no place to remain here on earth so
much so that they would rather remain in hell. Ah, that should
usher the Second Coming of the Lord."
May 2007
Healed At A Funeral
and Mei Eng brought their mother to attend the funeral service
of a dear brother named Evangelist Cheah. When they were
about to leave, Grace
and I noticed that the mother was limping badly. She was doubled
over and leaning on the arms of Mei Eng. Grace and I were concerned
and the mother told us that she had injured her back that morning.
Mei Eng said that as the injury seemed serious, she would bring
her mother to a Chinese physician for treatment. We offered to
pray but the mother did not want to obligate us. She said that
she should be fine once after the Chinese physician's treatment.
However, we insisted and without listening to her protest, we
invited Lawrence, Mei Eng and Mei Eng's husband, Kelvin to join
us in prayer. As trained by Elijah Challenge, we laid hands and
took authority over the pain and injury, commanding them to be
healed in the name of Jesus Christ. We commanded the back to
be healed instantly. After we said, "Amen", we asked
the mother how she felt.
her beaming smile, she said that she felt much better. We asked
her to try walking and when
she took her first step, she went into an obvious limp. However,
we felt the power of God was intense to heal and so we took
authority again. After prayer, everybody was looking at her
with great
expectancy. This time, she proclaimed that she felt much better.
As she walked, there was only still a slight limp. The family
was happy as they saw the definite improvement. However, to
us, that was not acceptable because God's anointing was powerful
at that moment. Our faith in God's ability to heal the mother
was unshakeable. For the third time, we commanded the injury
to be healed and the pain to go completely. Then the miracle
asked her to walk and feel whether her back pain was still
there. As she walked down the gentle slope,
she said that the
pain was completely gone. To confirm, we repeated the question
and she confirmed that the pain was totally gone. We could see
that she was walking normal. The pain was gone completely and
the mother was walking without bending or limping. Lawrence kept
asking her to confirm and she said that the pain was totally
gone. Mei Eng and Kelvin were elated, smiling widely and showed
a thumb-up sign and said, "Thank you, Jesus!" The mother,
along with the family, then strolled down the sloped road to
their car – not a trace of limp in her steps.
is just one of the testimonies what Elijah Challenge has done
for us
and our ministry.
Thank you very much! We can now reveal and use the power of
Jesus any where, any time and any place (even at the entrance
of a

Healed of Weak Legs
June 4, 2007
"Yesterday (03 June 2007), Pastor Chui, Sharon,
Hui Lan, my wife, Grace and I visited a homebound woman who
lived with her
in Puchong. When we arrived at the ground-floor apartment, we
noticed that the living room was filled with all kinds of Chinese
idols that sat on lighted red altars. A most pathetic looking
middle-aged woman sat slumped in a plastic deckchair. Her husband
explained that she had lost strength since she returned from
the hospital. She had remained in this weakened state for more
than two months. The woman added that she was admitted to the
hospital because after she went to worship her ancestors during
Ching Ming, she was afflicted with incessant vomiting. The doctors
tested her blood three times a day for twenty days. When her
arms had no more place to draw the blood samples, they took them
from her legs. However, they still could find anything seriously
wrong except that there were bacteria in her blood and that she
was also suffering from diabetes. After discharging from the
hospital, she felt so weak that she was confined to the plastic
deckchair. When she got bored with sitting, she would retire
to her bed. Her husband took her to a Chinese physician who scrapped
her skin to let out the "bad wind" but that did not
work either. He was exasperated at best. Apart from having to
look after her, he had to look after their 32-year-old mentally
and physically retarded son. We could see that he was at his
wit's end.
The couple was very receptive to our suggestion for prayers.
However, the woman just did not want to promise us that she
would come to church. We told her that we were not trying to
get her
to church but to know the one true God. We then took authority
over her infirmities in the name of Jesus our Lord. We especially
prayed for her legs to be strengthened. This woman's legs were
so weak that she needed her husband's support before she could
even rise up.
The first time, after we had taken authority, we helped her
up and asked her to walk in Jesus' name. She was able to
walk in
small steps with some helps. The second time, she was walking
better and around the living room. On the third round of
commands, she was literally walking in big steps and often without
We refused to hold her even though she was afraid that her
legs would give way. Her legs did not fail her and she walked
rounds around the living room.
Praise God that the healing was very evident. When we double-checked
with her husband, he said that she could never walk like
the way she did after prayers. All the exercise had caused
woman to perspire and we felt that it was a good sign.
It was as though
her body was undergoing a detoxification and we told her
that. Subsequently, we prayed for her diabetes and all
other afflictions.
We also laid hands and took authority of healing over their
mentally and physically retarded son. Normally, this
man would struggle
and make all kinds of unintelligible noise. However,
during the time of prayers, he was as meek as a lamb. We commanded
the nerves,
fibres, cells and bones to be healed. We commanded the
muscles to relax and to release him from their grips.
saw the
relaxation of the muscles. As this was a humongous mountain
to move, we
decided to come back another time to continue our prayers.
Since Pastor Chui knew the husband well, he would be
doing the follow-up
on the family. We left the depressing apartment with
God's sunshine in our hearts.
Grace and I reached home, I felt numbness in my left arm. It
had been coming on and off since last
week. This
time it
was becoming serious. My left arm did not only feel
numb but heavy
like lead. After Grace took authority over stroke and
heart-attack, the numbness left. The arm was restored
and we immediately
knew that this was a spiritual attack. Grace then measured
my blood
pressure. The first reading was a high 156/96mm Hg.
The normal pressure should be 140/85mm Hg. Grace took authority
the high blood pressure and it dropped immediately
150/78mm Hg. The third reading was even more amazing,
the blood pressure
actually dropped to 131/80mm Hg. All these happened
within one
minute after
prayer. We praise God for His healing power."