
Over the years there have been countless testimonies and reports from Elijah Challenge Training events around the world. Below and to the left you can navigate to just a few:  Recent testimonies & reports by disciples trained under The Elijah Challenge...

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[av_layerslider id=’3′] [av_textblock ]Training SPECIAL FORCES for the Kingdom of God“Are you evangelical or charismatic?”  “Neither.”1,000,000 come to Christ in tent meeting     Dead woman raised in IndonesiaOur Historic Campaign in Egypt Our 2003...


Over the years there have been countless testimonies and reports from Elijah Challenge Training events around the world. Below and to the left you can navigate to just a few:  Recent testimonies & reports by disciples trained under The Elijah Challenge...

Our God is powerful

Leslee is a friend of The Elijah Challenge and lives in Adelaide, Australia “In early July 2013 I felt a sharp pain on my left side of my body from shoulder down to my waist, I had trouble breathing and I thought I might be having a heart attack, stroke or...

Need Healing?

[av_textblock] If you need physical healing or deliverance from demons and would like someone to minister to you, contact us. If we are able to, we will try to arrange ministry for you. The Lord has made us especially effective in ministering healing to people...