Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ

Above & below: Hindus put their faith in
Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior

healing of the sick
the sick and tell them, 'the kingdom of God is near you.'"

Above & below: TEC-trained believers
heal the sick in Jesus' name to confirm the gospel.
Many are healed and testifiy from the stage. (See below.)

testimonies of miraculous healing
the hundreds of miracles that took place

Manjite had suffered from continuous stomach
pain for ten days. She took a lot of medication but nothing
happened. When one of the TEC-trained believers ministered
to her, she was touched by the power of the Lord. Here she
is testifying from the stage.

Sangeeta suffered from migraine for two years.
Almost the entire village knew because they could hear her
screaming when the pain was severe. She was totally healed
and she testified. She gave her life to Christ.

Above & below: more testimonies from the

to Pastor Joshua, hundreds of miracles took place through
Jesus' name
evangelistic service: the second evening

about the miracles on the first evening spread in the villages,
and many more
came for the service
on the second evening. They came by literal "tractor-trailer"
(above & below)...

by bicycle rickshaw, and...

by auto rickshaw (above & below)...

well as by motorcycle, minibus, and various other forms
of transportation.
crowd & the gospel

big crowd gathers from the villages to hear the gospel
of Jesus Christ

Above & below: Hindus give their lives
to Jesus Christ

the second evening local Punjabi politicians came. We gave
them Bibles and prayed over each one.
The Feeding Event

Jesus fed the 5,000...

Pastor Simon Haqq, TEC Coordinator Pastor
Bhalkar Masih, Pastor Joshua Gowda: reaping a bountiful harvest
for the kingdom of God
10:9 "Heal
the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"