Pur Village is in Delhi
March 5, 2009 Director Joshua Gowda of The Elijah Challenge
Training Center India wrote:
"We had another very successful Elijah Challenge Evangelistic
Healing and Feeding Event on 26th of February 2009. We conducted
our Feeding Event at Village Mitta Pur in New Delhi. Village
Mitta Pur is surrounded by Hindu-dominated and small slum areas.
is the first-ever meeting in that village. It was the
effort of our four Elijah Challenge-trained pastors living nearby.
They gathered people from the village and the slums. About 430
people came and about 380 people gave their lives to Christ.
the Elijah Challenge-trained
pastors are doing follow-up with the new believers. On Sunday
the first of March, three Elijah Challenge churches were planted
in Mitta Pur Village."
The venue: the village of Mitta Pur

proclamation of the kingdom of God to the Hindus
Challenge-trained pastors singing gospel songs
Pastor Simon Haqq preaches the gospel, our Elijah Challenge-trained
Pastor Anok Masih shares a testimony. His four-year-old son
(above) was playing alone at home. A heavy iron box fell on
top of the boy, rendering him unable to breath properly.
After two hours
Pastor Masih and his wife came back home. When his wife saw
that their son was crushed under the box, she screamed loudly.
All their Hindu neighbors gathered. The box was removed and
the boy was unconscious with no movement in his body. Looking
at the boy's still
body other women
also started to cry. But Pastor Anok got down on his knees and
prayed to God. Then he came back and took his son in his hand
and rebuked the spirit
of unconsciousness in JESUS' name. Miraculously, the boy returned
to consciousness and started to breath properly. This happened
just ten days before the Feeding Event. Pastor Anok shared
this testimony at the Event. People were moved and heard that
the name of Jesus can do any miracle for those who trust Him.
Simon Haqq preaching the gospel to the Hindus
accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
The healing of the infirm according to Jesus' command
in Luke 10:9
Testimonies of miraculous healing by Jesus Christ
Sampat Devi was suffering from pain in her body even as she
was sitting in the meeting. Our Elijah Challenge-trained Pastor
Ramaswer rebuked the pain. She felt complete relief
from the pain and came
up to stage to testify about her healing.
five days Mrs. Ankita was not able to breathe properly through
her nose, instead she was trying to breathe through her mouth.
Praise God our Elijah Challenge-trained Pastor Ravi Masih rebuked
the blockage in the name
of JESUS. Immediately the blockage disappeared and she could
breath properly.
feeding of the villagers and the slum people
Challenge-trained pastors with Pastor Joshua Gowda (left) at Village
Mitta Pur in Delhi
10:9 "Heal
the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"