& below: the city of Almaty

cars snaking up the mountains overlooking Almaty
the five former satellites
of the Soviet Union in Central Asia---Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan---Kazakhstan
is the most
with its oil and gas
reserves. By far it is also the largest of the five
in area being
roughly half the size of the continental
States. The indigenous
people known as Kazakhs by culture are overwhelmingly
adherents of the religion founded by Mohammed.
However, they are very
nominal toward their religion and view it merely as
part of their culture. The Kazakhs are said to be descendants
of the Turks and the Mongolians
so as a people display
a charming blend of features which from person to person
can vary all the way from Asian
to nearly Caucasian.
There are also
Uighers, Russians, and
Tatars living in their midst.
host Spring of Life was
founded by Singaporean missionaries Simon and Susan
after they
to Kazakhstan
in 1997. Their approach to proclaiming
the Kingdom of God was decidedly different
from the more traditional way favored by churches
in Almaty.
The did not present the gospel to the Kazakhs as a
competing religion
known as Christianity. They did not
require conversion to Christianity
as a means of entering the kingdom
of God. Rather they simply preached
Isa Almasih,
which is Jesus Christ in the Arabic language. Isa was
already familiar
to the Kazakhs as a great prophet
in their holy
book. Simon and Susan did
they planted
a "church," something which was too
easily identifiable
with Russian Orthodox Christianity. Not only does the
Russian Orthodox
Church remind
the conservative Kazakhs of their former foreign occupiers,
many Russian "Christians" are notorious
for their worldliness
and excessive fondness for vodka. Moreover, the
of traditional
churches with their spires and steeples is decidedly
foreign to the Kazakhs and their
culture. Instead
Simon simply preached the word of God in a way appropriate
to the culture of the Kazakhs---following Isa
as the only
way to the God who created the heavens and the earth.
This is the approach to sharing the gospel known as

and Daniel
2007 Simon and Susan and their
two daughters were called back to Singapore. They
left Spring of Life in
the hands of Daniel,
a Tamil Indian expatriate whom God had called to
Kazakhstan as a businessman. In July
2008 Simon returned to Almaty for
a visit and along with Daniel hosted The Elijah Challenge.
What we
add to their approach of contextualization
would be the miraculous healings that would demonstrate
to the
Kazakhs beyond a shadow of doubt
that Isa was in fact the only Savior. About 100 to
150 leaders and believers assembled locally
from Almaty as well as from Qaraghandy,
1200 kilometers to the north. A pastor from the city
of Bishkek in the neighboring country of
Kyrgyzstan to the south led a team to attend the
Training. Missionaries from the United States as
well as one from Korea
were also
in attendance.

from neighboring Kyrgyzstan
There had been prophecies declaring that the
Lord would use Spring of Life to send forth missionaries to
all of Central Asia and and even to China. The meetings in
Almaty perhaps witnessed the beginning of the fulfillment
of those prophecies.
The Training
During the Training I felt the Lord's anointing
upon me to teach in a very clear and understandable fashion
even through an interpreter, and the people were very responsive
and greatly built up in their faith as they received the teaching.
The servants of God came to understand clearly how Jesus taught
His disciples to heal the sick using authority when He sent
them forth to proclaim the kingdom of God. Jesus not surprisingly
taught them to heal the sick as He Himself did, and to do this
he primarily used the authority given to him by the Father when he was anointed by the Holy Spirit. This should be obvious
to the Church, but for some reason we have not understood it
clearly until now. This is how we taught the servants of God
in Kazakhstan.

Praise & worship
led by team from Qaraghandy

Training Session
Up until now the Church has focused almost completely on the
gift of healing---something which was not even available to
the disciples when Jesus was with them. Rather, the gift of
healing came into existence only on the Day of Pentecost when
the Holy Spirit descended bringing the gifts of the Spirit.
And Scripture teaches that the gift of healing is primarily
for ministering to the body of Christ---which did not yet exist
at that time on the earth. When Jesus sent his disciples out,
it was not for ministering to the body of Christ, but rather
to proclaim the Kingdom of God to the lost and to heal the
sick (Luke 10:9). To accomplish this he gave them authority
over diseases and demons.
The teaching quickened these Central Asian servants of God.
at the end of each session we announced that we would
minister to those with infirmities,
the people boldly marched forward to the front and
without reservation used their authority from the
Lord to minister healing. The
Lord was
and several
people were healed during the Training sessions.
from distant Qaraghandy ministers during the Training
Pastor Abai (left) from South Korea
the pastors to minister healing-at-a-distance
as Jesus did in Luke 7
(front) testify that the Lord healed them
during the healing-at-a-distance
mother (right) testifies that lump & pain in
her right
breast have disappeared
The Open-air Evangelistic Outreach
Praise & worship at the beginning

A crowd from the immediate neighborhood gathered on a
playing field inside the church complex. I preached
John 14
Jesus claimed to be the only way to the
Father---there is no other way
to escape hell and enter the kingdom of God---and
where he even claimed that he was God
in human flesh. How could we
possibly know that he was telling the truth and not
just another raving lunatic?
John 14:11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father
and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence
the miracles themselves.
I told them that we would ask Jesus to do these very miracles
according to:
John 14:12 I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in
me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater
than these, because I am going to the Father.
had the trained believers come forward to minister
to the infirm who had come to be healed. We ministered
first with
healing-at-a-distance as Jesus
did in Luke 7 and then through the individual laying
on of hands. The
moved dramatically to heal and deliver.
Several people came forward to
testify that the Lord had healed them. Among them,
two ladies testified that tumors in their
bodies had disappeared. All the
testimonies, I reminded the people, were not simply
miraculous healings but God's demonstration
to them that Jesus was the only way
to Him.
& below: trained believers line up in front of the stage
preparing to minister healing-at-a-distance according
to Luke 7

the back of the believers' t-shirts: Jesus said,
tell you the truth, anyone who has faith
will do what I
have been doing..."

healing-at-a-distance according to Luke 7

people were healed and line up on the stage
to testify
that Jesus
has healed them

tumor in her back has vanished
Below: Two more of the several testimonies given

I challenged the people to believe
on Isa Almasih as their Savior.
I mentioned nothing about religion,
about renouncing
theirs and then converting to
Christianity. The Kazakhs
in a negative way identify Christianity
with the very worldly Russian
Orthodox religion prevalent in
the former Soviet Union
from which they became independent
in 1991. They profess “the
religion of peace” only because
it is in their culture; they
are very nominal in their religion.
I did not ask
them to renounce their religion
and thus their culture as well---something
that Jesus never told people to
do---but instead to believe on
and follow the Isa of John 14.
Since 90% of them have neither
read nor possess a copy of the
Koran, it will not be difficult
to disciple
them according to the Word of God.
souls streamed forward with little hesitation to
be reconciled with their Heavenly Father. Those who
remained in
their seats were either all or
mostly believers. Never before have we seen such
an eager response from those who call themselves
sons of Ishmael. We conclude Kazakhstan
is ripe for the harvest if one knows how to evangelize
the Kazakhs: with the gospel contextualized to
their culture and with miraculous healing power. We
must do this before Kazakhstan becomes radicalized
with the help
of huge sums of money
coming into
from the oil rich fundamentalists.
of the Kazakh believers were delighted and surprised to see
family members who had previously been gospel-resistant
accept Isa as Lord and Savior. One such man came running to
the front at the altar call after hearing the gospel and witnessing
the miraculous healings. And many of the miracles were done
the hands of the Kazakh believers.

& below: Kazakhs stream forward to accept Isa Almasih
as Lord and Savior after witnessing the miracles

After that we ministered to the infirm a second time. Those
whom the Lord had not touched during the healing-at-a-distance
came forward to receive the individual laying on of hands
by the trained believers. In this way several more were
healed and came up the the stage to testify publicly. See
photographs below.

& below: the individual laying on of hands
by the believers

Above & below:
several more testimonies of
miraculous healings after the laying on of hands

Woman testifies that three tumors
in her breast have disappeared

us the response to the gospel from these nominal followers
of the M religion was unprecedented. Among the five
independent republics of Central Asia,
Kazakhstan is the most open
to the gospel. It also possesses size, wealth, and
influence. This is the time for the Kazakh Church to
be equipped to
complete the Great Commission here. It can moreover
have great impact beyond its own borders
into the rest of Central Asia and
even into China. Three essential ingredients are already
1. The strategy of contextualizing the gospel according to
local culture, and
2. The power of miraculous healing to demonstrate the truth
of that gospel, and
3. The finances to proclaim the gospel.
There is no time to lose to equip the Kazkh Church. Fundamentalists
also have their eyes on this nation. Money from their oil riches
is already coming into the country to purchases businesses
as well as for the construction of places for the worship of
their Allah.
should be the response of the Church of Jesus Christ? "Silver
and gold have I none, but what
I have I give you. In the name of Isa Almash…."
leaders and we are now discussing a return trip for
me next year to train more churches and on a much
scale. In addition, we hope that other Elijah Challenge-trained
ministers will consider going to Kazakhstan to equip
the Kazakh Church.
the meantime, Pastor Daniel and the leaders
of Spring of Life plan to continue proclaiming the
kingdom of God in the spirit and power of Elijah.
Among other things, they are going to hold another
open-air outreach---this time completely on their
dinner of Spring of Life leaders on the last day
where each leader shared
their testimony
the dinner a newly-trained
Kazakh sister shares how she ministered
to a bed-ridden cancer victim over
the telphone.
Afterwards the person got up from her bed.

Kazakh robe given to Bill as appreciation

of Life leaders & Bill
Later testimonies
of all, I would to thank you for spending the time with us
and teaching us from the Scriptures. Thank
you also for the demonstration of authority! I admire your
unwavering faith! Since the Elijah Challenge event our people
are highly motivated to heal the sick and preach the gospel… this
is happening on a regular basis!"
had a blood clot (like a bump) in a vein on my leg. Such
a thing is removed only through a surgical operation by
the removal of the entire vein. Previously I had prayed but
nothing happened. When I came to your Training for the
first time, nobody prayed over me. But in the evening I
noticed that the swelling was no longer present. I could
not believe my eyes. The next day I was convinced that
the swelling was no longer present. I came to you and testified."
Note: The present age of the one-man-show superstar evangelist
is coming to a close. The age of the body of Christ---the
nameless, faceless believer---is
at hand.
Luke 10:9 "Heal the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"