Kondally Slum area is in New Delhi
Director Joshua Gowda of The Elijah Challenge Training
Center India wrote:
the Lord, we had another victorious Elijah Challenge Evangelistic
and Feeding Event at the Kondally Slum area of New Delhi
on May 17, 2008.
It was an evening meeting. In this slum people get electricity for
few hours with very low voltage. Four hundred sixty-eight
people attended
the meeting and close to three hundred seventy people gave their
lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. Most of them were young people
in this Hindu-dominated
place. (See the photos below.)
the past, Hindu fundamentalists would use many of these young
people to stop Christian meetings around
Delhi. This
was the
first time the gospel was preached to these young people and
the first time they saw miracles in Jesus’ name. While
The Elijah Challenge-trained believers were ministering to the
sick, all of a sudden the electricity failed and there was no
light. Our TEC-trained leaders continued to heal the sick and
broke the power of the Lord’s enemies. As the result
of the Feeding Event, many have been baptized.
We are laboring sincerely, and the Lord is enabling us to reach
many in North India. Thousands of pastors in other states of
North India have heard about the power evangelism of The Elijah
Challenge Evangelistic and Feeding Events. I have received many
calls from Panjab and Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir.
There is a need to do two Feeding Events in a month. If the Lord
provides funds, the laborers are ready to go and reach those
unreached villages in North India."
Kondally Slum area of New Delhi

& below: Kondally Slum area of New Delhi

Preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ

coming to the event
Simon Haqq preaches to the Hindus

& below: Hindus giving their lives to Jesus Christ

he received Jesus as Savior, his neck was healed

She came suffering from joint pain. TEC-trained
Pastor Kamal ministered to her; she was healed and testified

she came to the meeting she was suffering from a headache.
After TEC-trained Pastor O. P. James ministered to her, she
testified that she was healed
The Feeding Event

line up for food

youths enjoying their meal
The Baptisms

Elijah Challenge-trained local Pastor

Slum Pastor Kamal (left) with Director of TEC Training
Centre India Pastor Joshua Gowda
10:9 "Heal
the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"