is in Meerut, a region in Uttar Pradesh

Pastor Simon Haqq (left)
Director of TEC Training Centre India Pastor Joshua Gowda at
Director Joshua Gowda wrote:
Bejoli–Sardana village in Meerut we conducted our
March Elijah Challenge Feeding Event. In Bejoli–Sardana
Hindus dominate with approximately seven thousand people
living in
the village.
Elijah Challenge Meerut City Coordinator Pastor Daniel told
us the following story: in the year 1950 the Methodist
Church constructed a church building for five Christian
families. But after some time two of the families left the village.
At the same time the pastor of the Church also left the village.
Since then no worker, pastor or evangelist went to the village.
The rest of the Christian families became Hindus. The church
building was left with no one to care for it! Eventually it was
used by the villagers to tie up their cows and goats and pigs.
five months ago Pastor Daniel
and his team were praying for the villages in
God showed him that he should go to Bejoli–Sardana village
and he was obedient to God’s voice. They went door to door
visiting, preaching the Gospel and healing the sick. The people
heard, he and his team went and cleaned up the whole church building.
this village on 20th of March we conducted a Feeding Event
and held the opening for the church. 389 people came for the
Feeding Event. [First Pastor Simon Haqq preached the gospel.
Then servants of God trained under The Elijah Challenge ministered
to the
infirm in Jesus' name.] A lady named Rani Devi was suffering
from pain
in her eyes and
was not
properly. She
was healed and gave her testimony. Many other healings also
took place.
to 278 people made a first-time commitment
to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor Daniel Mashi called
on the phone and said on Easter Sunday 244 people came to attend
the Sunday service. Now this church building is used for Sunday
services, sharing the Gospel and healing the sick. Our TEC
of trained believers is working hard to reach this village
for God. Please pray that the whole village may come to know
Lord Jesus.
Daniel’s co-worker, Pastor Sastri,
takes care of the Church."

Joshua Gowda and TEC Meerut Coordinator Pastor Daniel

& below: the village of Bejoli – Sardana

abandoned Methodist Church building had been
used by the villagers for cows, goats and pigs

Simon Haqq preaches the gospel at the Feeding Event in the
old Methodist Church

& below: to
confirm the truth of the gospel, the infirm are healed in
the name of Jesus Christ

several other miraculous healings, Mrs. Rani Devi's eyes
were freed from pain and she could see properly

the gospel and seeing the miracles, the
Hindu people readily accept Christ as Lord and Savior

& below: Pastor Simon Haqq leads in prayer

to 278 Hindus make a first-time commitment to Jesus Christ

& below: 389 people were fed at the Feeding Event

church buildling is restored and no longer inhabited by swine
and cattle

out of the Temple"

leaders at Bejoli-Sardana with Pastor Joshua Gowda (center)
10:9 "Heal
the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"