original plans
were to
conduct a Healing & Feeding Event in the unreached Hindu
village of Hyburpur. Here is the report from TEC Training Centre
Joshua Gowda:
"Before we started the Feeding Event at Hyburpur, our ministry
team went to invite people just one day before the event. But
our team leader received a threat from local religious fundamentalists
which said 'we don’t allow Christians to do this program'
because they heard about what happened at the village of Sijarsi---how
people gave their lives to Jesus and were healed and started
to follow Christ. That news went around the villages near Sijarsi.
We have 15 villages in mind; our plan and prayer are that all
the villagers shall know Christ in every village. We had planned
to start a fellowship in Hyburpur, but this time we had to go
to the next village called Chotpur because of the opposition.
On 18th of September at Chotpur village we had successful Feeding
Event---261 people gave their life to Jesus Christ."
model involves two things: demonstrations of miraculous healing
power and personal relationships. The
miracles performed
in Jesus’ name demonstrate to the villagers that our God
is the only true God. Then at the meal after the meeting, there
are opportunities for interaction and personal relationships
to be formed between the gospel team and the villagers. The term “Christianity” is
not mentioned to them because it would immediately arouse suspicions
that they are being christianized which would likely lead to
their rejecting the team and their message. Instead, Jesus Christ
and Him crucified are preached with a demonstration of the Spirit
and of power.
of Chotpur Evangelistic
Feeding Event: 261 Hindus follow Jesus Christ

Newly-trained TEC team receiving
instruction from Joshua before event starts

Above & below: Views of the village of Chotpur

& below two photos: Feeding Event part of evangelistic program

Brother B. Lall healing the sick

was suffering from chest pain but here she testifies she
is completely free
from the pain

After a deaf woman received ministry from Fura
Husen, she began to hear

Brother Patras praying for Rani who wants to conceive
a baby

mother and child, both suffering from fevers for a week,
were healed

Above & below: our trained TEC team
members minister to many infirm people who were healed and then
believed in

& below: Pastor Simon proclaims the Kingdom of God to the

Below photos: 261 Hindus receive Jesus Christ as
only Lord and Savior

Luke 10:9 "Heal
the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"