Pastor Joshua Gowda, Director of The Elijah Challenge
Training Centre in New Delhi, wrote:
thank the Lord for the very successful Advanced
Training in New Delhi for The Elijah Challenge Coordinators.
After this the newly-trained Coordinators Pastor
Vijay N. Singh and Pastor William Massey together conducted
TEC Basic Training in the Shadra Methodist Church."

Shadra Methodist Church

was also there to help. After I gave the TEC ministry interdiction,
they began the Training."

"Non-Christians also came to this meeting. When the Pastors
invited people to come up for healing, everyone came forward
and they
laid hands on them one by one. During the testimony time a
few Hindus came to hear the miracles. Among them one young
Hindu man gave his life to Christ. The Pastor of the Methodist
Church was very happy about The Elijah Challenge ministry and
he invited me to preach on Sunday."

young girl asked Pastor Vijay to pray over the right side
of her head since for three weeks she had
been suffering from pain every day and was taking five pain
killer pills daily

After he laid hands on her she was healed and
gave her testimony

pain in the back of her neck was rebuked and it left her

William rebuked the pain in her throat and she was healed

Vijay lays hands on this woman's crushed fingers and the
pain disappears

William laying hands on the infirm

Pastor William lays hands on a lump on a baby's

lump begins to shrink

This young man from a Hindu family heard the
testimonies and gave his life to Jesus Christ as His Lord
and Savior
"Pastor Vijay and Pastor William are planning to train a hundred
Methodist church members on August 16, 2008."
Vijay first trained with The Elijah Challenge in Dehra
Dun in April 2006. A little over a year later in June
2007 he wrote us the following:
"Greetings to you in the name
of Jesus Christ who is coming very soon. I am one of the
attendees of the seminar
held in
Dehra Dun in the month of April 2006 in India. There you taught
us about The Elijah Challenge and made us aware of our authority
through Christ. I came to know what is my authority as being
a disciple of Jesus. That Training and the teaching have been
a blessing for me and my ministry. If you remember I meet you
after the session and I told you that will use this authority
in my meetings, and you gave me your name card.
I came back, I visited a house where there were four people---one
old man and three ladies. The
old man was on the
bed. I shared the gospel to them and ministered to them as
they requested. One lady had a headache due to high blood pressure;
another had heaviness in her body. They asked me to minister
to them for their healing. I submit myself into God’s
hands and prayed that he use me for their healing. After prayer
I took authority over the enemy. I commanded the headache and
heaviness to go and to leave them in the name of Jesus. When
I asked them how they are feeling they gave their witness at
once and they glorified the Lord. They said the headache had
gone, and the heaviness also gone.
I am using my authority in my Church meeting
every Wednesday. Miracles are happening and evil spirits
are leaving the people.
This Wednesday meeting is growing and more and more people
are coming. Before we had 15 to 20 people but now there are
70 to 80 peoples are coming to our meeting. I pray that our
Lord use you abundantly that many Christian leaders know their
authority in Christ and we all may be able to extend His kingdom
on the earth."
10:9 "Heal
the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"