Pastors Stephen & Kathy Gardner
Elijah Challenge Coordinators for Phoenix/Arizona

Deaf & hearing-impaired ears opened at Teen Challenge outreach

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Stephen & Kathy Gardner attended The Basic Elijah Challenge Training in the Bahamas in November 2007 and The Advanced Elijah Challenge Training in February 2008. They pastor Fresh Presence Church in Phoenix and founded Crown of Hope International, an organization for church planting, for apostolic presbytery and the network of ministry leaders.

Five deaf ears opened at Teen Challenge event

"We had an outreach with Teen Challenge in Phoenix. There were about 100+ individuals present. Mainly men who were in this program for drug rehabilitation. We had an overwhelmingly great response to the gospel message and The Elijah Challenge approach to healing. Several men who were not saved came and accepted Christ. As part of the challenge I first called for those who were deaf in one hear to come forward 5 men came forward and Kathy assisted me in ministering to them. ALL the men testified that they could hear now. After this miracle many more came forward with other ailments for healing. The Teen Challenge Director talked with us about returning on a periodic basis to have an outreach to these men were fresh off the streets with substance abuse challenges."