Tom Briggs and Salt Ministries

Miraculous healings follow Salt Ministries street preachers trained to heal



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Tom Briggs and Salt Ministries hosted and trained with The Elijah Challenge in January 2009

Other reports from Tom

The miraculous healings: many Christians were intrigued, awakened, and wanted more of this next weekend!

February 22, 2008

"Salt Ministries carpooled to the Tacoma homeless feed and clothing outreach sponsored by the Biker's Tabernacle Church, and other local churches in Tacoma. They have been doing this humanitarian outreach for several years now.

Eleven evangelists and "witnessing machines" were prayed up and filled to overflowing with the Holy Ghost and fire---to heal the sick, cast out demons, and cleanse the unbelieving of unbelief and preach the Kingdom of God is near. I announced His intentions to heal the sick and oppressed just as He did in the Bible days (they are still here today, folks! There is no "amen" at the end of the Acts of the Apostles) and we sure enough now know why! I proceeded to lift my voice like a trumpet with my plastic megaphone cone (a sawed-off oil funnel) to invite the sick and infirm to come for free ministry for healing and miracles. I told them Jesus would demonstrate tonight He is risen from the dead and conquered sickness, sin, death and Hell. He would prove it by healing anyone who would come over to us for ministry. They were dumbfounded, moonstruck, paralyzed with curiosity at best, utter unbelief at worst!

No matter, a lady in a wheel chair was willing to give it a shot. Why not---no charge, and nothing to lose, right? We ministered to her torn and painful tendon and ankle from an earlier surgery and subsequent re-injury. After three commands in Jesus' name to her ankle, she was pain-free, and walked around on it. However, she was a bit dizzy from favoring her good foot too much up until now. We ministered to her for that, and she said she was improved in that too.

I announced this to the enlarging crowd, yet they stood aloof.

Next, one of the Biker Tabernacle volunteer staff men, Rick, had a short leg with an obvious limp. He wanted his leg lengthened. (We have this miracle on video tape...stay tuned!) He sat in a chair which we had dragged out to the middle of the crowd, lifted both legs supported by a cane under his calves. After about 45 seconds it grew out two inches to catch up to his normal left leg length. We erupted in praise and shouts to Jesus! But he was in shock! He felt his leg grow out! (He didn't see it because he had shut his eyes in prayer). He got up and couldn't walk straight away because he wasn't used to walking without a limp after so many years of limping. He started walking around with total amazement and wonder in his face and eyes. Later, he came back and wanted us to re-check his legs to make sure it really happened! His friend checked them and confirmed his legs were equal in length! Hence many more people took a chance out of their desperation for healing in Jesus' name. I will let the other team members write their own testimonies and forward them to you, William.

We began limited open air preaching and continued praying for various needs, not even physical! We gave money to some, Bibles to others, many Gospel tracts went into hands, and best of all, many Christians were intrigued, awakened, and wanted more of this next weekend!"

Brother Toby's Report

"You will be happy to know that the Spirit of God is falling on the Seattle area. So far, since attending The Elijah Challenge Basic Training at Tom Brigg’s home, there have been many miracles, healings, casting out demons, etc.

My wife and I have cast out demons from several people, one of which was our daughter. The others were members of the O.A.S. group who have repented and renounced false teachings taught by Laodicean churchianity. So the Lord has really sanctified the group. Why? So He can use us to heal people in Jesus’ name and bring people to the one and only Savior. In the case of the church-going multitudes here in the U.S. – TO BECOME MORE SERIOUS ABOUT THEIR WALK WITH GOD (i.e., surrender their lives to Jesus, repent and basically get saved). We were so blessed to be a part of this tonight!

Saturday evening the Salt Ministries group went to a normal humanitarian Churchianity type of outreach – you know, where they feed the homeless, give them clothes, play music, BUT DO NOT GIVE THEM THE WORD AT ALL! Our plan, as you know, was different than this. We would heal the sick and give them the gospel. God moved in a huge way tonight! The first man to want healing was a pretty big mountain – he had one leg at least two inches shorter than the other. The Lord showed me by His Holy Spirit that He was going to heal this man. Tom sat the man in a chair and called people to come and watch this man get healed – only a few came. I turned to my wife and said, “The Lord is going to heal this man!” We proceeded to use the authority to command healing in Jesus’ name. The first time we commanded, his leg grew out about half-way, but (like you taught us) that is not acceptable. So we did it again and his leg grew all the way out right before our eyes. The man was astounded and somewhat confused, but he did go and testify.

Another man was healed from “excruciating” back pain – once healed he bent completely over and told us the pain was gone - completely. It is possible that healing was granted to every person we attempted to heal in Jesus’ name. God is faithful.

But, in my opinion, what followed was the best part of this evening. Having seen and heard of God’s Spirit moving, a line of people formed wanting us to pray for them that they would become more serious about God, that God would be more powerful in their lives and that they would know Him more. They were just hungry for Him! The funny thing is we just stepped out in faith and the Spirit of God did everything else. God was glorified tonight and by His grace some were hopefully saved. By His stripes we are healed!"