Fellow Street Preachers of America and Around the World,
Please let me commend to you Brother William
at for
your information and edification. God has 'downloaded' to William
some vital weaponry
for fulfilling the Great Commission. I called the Way of the Master principles
of declaring the good news "The Ten Cannons" of biblical evangelism..
because WOTM, like our Lord, uses the 10 Commandments followed by the Good
news/God's grace revealed in the cross and redeeming blood of our dear Savior
and Lord.
Now, God is restoring the other
half of the weapons of our warfare: healing the sick, casting
out demons, cleaansing
the lepers, and raising the dead...which
I call "The A/H-Bomb" of biblical evangelism (i. e., Authority
to Heal Bomb).
Its time to repent for the Kingdom
of God is nigh. If you have faith to obey and preach in the
streets, then this
shouldn't be a problem. The fear of
commanding disease, infirmities, demons to go, etc is the same old tune
as before when
we openair preach: "What if God doesn't show up?" ''What if you make a
'fool' of yourself in public?" "Blah, blah, blah...lie, lie, lie".
The devil's a liar, people. Stop insulting God by giving our ear to His
Enemy and by our unbelief in His Word and promises. Amen?
Without obeying this part of the great Commission,
you really aren't obeying ALL Jesus commanded us to do and teach
everywhere to everyone (Mt 28:18-20).