Keith Roussel
Keith is a missionary to the Philippines and attended The Elijah
Challenge Training in Davao, Philippines in June 2007. In April
2008 while back in the United States he wrote the following
at New Orleans Mission
Wednesday night I had the opportunity to visit the New Orleans
mission on Barone Street. Throughout the week they
feed the hungry
and give lodging to the homeless. Before the meal the people must
take part in a short church service. This Wednesday’s service
was being conducted by the church I used to attend years ago before
I went to Bible school. I was just there to say hello to my old pastor
and church-mates, observe the missions work and to lend a hand where
After getting lost and driving around for 30 minutes trying to find
the mission, I arrived just as the preaching began. It was a great
message geared towards salvation, and at the end the pastor held
a call for salvation. I was standing in the back of the room enjoying
the anointed preaching, when I noticed horrible coughing coming from
the guy sitting in front of me. It got so bad that he got up and
excused himself to the restroom. I could tell that this was a usual
occurrence by the rags he was carrying that he would constantly cough
By the time the man got back to his seat, the pastor
was praying with the people who came to the front. I then approached
the man
and asked him if he was ok. He answered by telling me that he had
bronchitis and inflazema. As if he was trying to sarcastically say, “Hell
no! What do you think?” I asked him if he believed that Jesus
could heal him. This time he responded with a hint of skepticism
saying, “Yes, but son I’ve been praying that prayer for
5 years.” I told him that according to the Bible Jesus healed
all sorts of sicknesses and diseases, and I asked if I could lay
hands on him to receive his healing. The man said, “Are you
Jesus?” I said, “No, but I am one of his followers, and
in the Bible Jesus gave his disciples the authority to heal the sick.” I
then quoted him the verse from Mark 16:17-18 which says, “These
signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will
cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick
up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt
them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
I told
him that these verses do not say that these signs might accompany,
or that they could accompany. It says that
they “will accompany.” I
then asked him, “Who does it say they will accompany? Only
pastors? Only missionaries? Only Bible college students?” To
each of these questions he admittingly replied, “No.” I
continued, “It says that these signs will accompany those who
believe. I believe. Do you believe?” “Yes” he replied,
and immediately grabbed my hand and closed his eyes as if to say, “I’m
I began to rebuke the sickness in his body as the
Word of God shows us. As I continued to declare the Word over him,
his hand gripped
me tighter and tighter and tighter. When I was finished I asked him, “How
do you feel?” “Right now I feel fine!” he answered
as he breathed in and out with no problems. He thanked me and I returned
to my spot in the back of the room as the service came to a close.
I later heard him say to his friend sitting next to him, “I
feel good!”
power is still at work today, and it belongs to “those
who believe.” This world has a hard time believing
in a God whom they cannot see, but God has equipped us with
all that we need
to portray His loving nature through our lives. “But
thanks be to God, who always leads us into triumph in Christ,
and manifests
through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every
place.” (2
Corinthians 2:14)
To God be the glory!
Luke 10:9 "Heal
the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"