Keith Roussel
Keith attended The Elijah Challenge Seminar in
Davao, Philippines in June 2007. He works under Roberts
Liardon Ministries.
" I have recently returned from our missions trip. We had a great
time! I was so amazed by the results. The students stepped forward
in boldness
and faith and they performed many healings through the power of God.
I could see the look of joy and amazement in their eyes as the people
who they were laying hands on were instantly healed! They became so
addicted to healing people that they took every opportunity to heal
the sick that
came their way.
We ministered in a Musl__m community during the trip. This was my first
chance to perform the healings before preaching the message, and it
worked! When the people saw the healings they flocked to us. I've become
so addicted
to the success of this method of reaching the lost that I cannot wait
for the next opportunity to put it into action!"
Keith's Newsletter: "Musl__ms
get healed & saved"
Dear Friends,
I have just returned with my students from our mid-year missions
trip. This year we took the students to the city of Lupon. It was
the second time that we have ministered in that area since God has
opened up many doors and opportunities to us.
For the past few weeks our students have been working hard to prepare
for this trip. They have practiced, songs, dances, dramas, sermons
and raised the finances it took to attend.
We have spent much time and effort into maturing
the students’ character,
knowledge of the Word and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Now after
several months of learning in the classroom, the students finally
had the opportunity to put our teaching to use.
The first day in Lupon we ministered in an elementary school with
about 400 children in attendance. Our students ministered to the
children through song, dance and puppets as they shared the message
of Christ.
That same afternoon we ministered in a nearby college with about
300 young people in attendance. We shared the gospel through songs,
dance, drama and the preaching of the Word. When we held a call for
salvation about 100 of the youth came forward to accept Jesus as
their Lord and Savior! Following that I felt led to do a healing
challenge. I told the young people that we did not just come to preach
about Jesus through words, but to display His love and power to them
by healing those who were sick. I had my students line up in front
of the stage and called anyone who was suffering from an infirmity
to come forward. About 12 people responded. My students laid hands
on them, rebuked the sickness, and every person who came forward
was immediately healed!
The following night we held a community outreach. While setting
up our sound equipment we discovered that we were in a Musl__m area
and that some of them were already complaining about us. Several
of the students began to panic and looked to me for guidance. Having
encountered Musl__ms before, I knew that if we wanted to reach these
people we needed to do more than just preach at them. They need to
both hear and see the gospel in action. Having witnessed the success
of the healing challenge in the college I decided to do it again,
but this time it would be before the preaching.
As we began the outreach about 50+ children gathered to participate
in the dances, songs and dramas, while the adults stood in the shadows
watching with caution and curiosity. I could sense that they were
not sure what to make of us or how to respond. To top that off there
was a disco club right next to us. When we arrived they began to
play their music louder as a protest of our presence.
This time I had one of my students do the healing challenge. He
began to call anyone who was sick or had a problem in their body
to come forward and saying that we would heal them by the power of
our God. For several minutes he called out until two people responded.
One was a small child with a stomach ache, and the other was an old
Musl__m woman with a problem in her knee. Our students laid hands
on them and they were both immediately healed! Now with proof to
back our claims more people began to respond. Several more people
came forward and were healed as our students laid hands upon them.
For over an hour we continued to call for the sick to come. It began
with just a couple sick people responding and snow-balled into a
mob of mass healing, as once spectators were now pushing through
the crowd to receive their healing. People ran home to bring their
relatives as more and more sick were being instantaneously healed.
Deaf ears were being opened, eye problems corrected, body pains gone,
heart conditions healed and so much more! Musl__ms were thanking Jesus
for their healing!
a commotion was occurring that the disco club closed and the
young people came out to watch the event. Never
before had this community
seen the power of God move in such a way. After about 2 hours of
healing the sick we preached a message of salvation. We told them
that it was through the power of Jesus Christ that we healed them
and that He was the only way to get to heaven. We asked those who
wanted to accept Jesus as their Lord and savior to come forward.
I was so amazed to see that a large majority of those who responded
were adults! People once looming in the shadows now came forward
to accept Christ. Many of the people who responded were Musl__ms,
some were the youth from the disco club and one was a witch doctor!
At the end of the outreach some Musl__ms approached us saying, “We
believe in your God” and thanked us for coming to minister
to them.
I am so very proud of my students. They stepped out in great boldness
and faith. During the outreach they would occasionally run up to
me relaying their most recent healing with a look of triumph and
amazement in their eyes. I could feel such a satisfaction fill me
as I watched them put into practice that which I had imparted into
Grandfather – There was a girl who had
attended one of our services who was being persecuted by her grandfather
she was a Christian. He would not allow her to attend church. At
the time her grandfather was at home with a fever. The girl asked
our students to visit her home to pray for him. The students laid
hands on the man, rebuked the fever and it left. The grandfather
was amazed and allowed his granddaughter to continue attending church.
Witchdoctor - During the community outreach an old witch doctor
came to one of our students to be healed of a large growth on her
face. Our student told the woman that she must lay down all of her
practices, charms and amulets. The old woman removed all of her items
of witchcraft and fell to her knees crying. We then led her to receive
Jesus unto her heart. After accepting Christ the student reported
that the growth had reduced in size.
Itchy Boy – A young boy came to us to be healed during
one of the services. The boy was franticly itching his back. One
of the students looked at his back and saw many red bumps all over.
She laid hands on the boy and rebuked the infirmity. She asked him, “Is
it was gone?” The boy said, “No, it is still there” as
he continued to itch his body. Once again the student rebuked the
infirmity. This time the boy quit itching and all of the red bumps
were completely gone!
Man at Home – Several youth came to us
asking us to pray for their father who was at home sick. We rebuked
the sickness and
the youth went home and found their father healed!
of Healings:
Stomach ache
Back pain
Partial paralysis
Deaf ears
High blood pressure
Heart conditions
Partial blindness
Menstruation problems
Skin allergy
Lumps on breast
Breathing problems
Knee pains
General body pains

At the

students performing their dance

the sick at the community outreach

call at the community outreach. Notice all the adults.
more pictures of this trip you can visit the photo gallery at my
website by following this link:
If that
link does not work for you then type http://www.worldviewministries.net into
your browser and select "media gallery" from the main
menu and then select "Lupon Missions 07" under photo
Luke 10:9 "Heal
the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"