Keith was trained to heal the sick at The Elijah Challenge Seminar in Davao,
20, 2007
about 18 hours of traveling, being harassed by taxi drivers and spending
the night in the Bangkok airport I have finally arrived in Burma.
It is very impoverished and underdeveloped compared to any other
capitol city that I have been to in Asia. It seems to be cut off
from the rest of the world. It wasn't until after I arrived that
I found out that there are not ATMs or Western Union here. Having
only $40 in Thailand Bahts in my wallet this proves to be a problem,
but there may be other solutions to this problem.
I am very
excited to be here. As the plane descended to land, I looked out
over the Burmese countryside and I could already sense that I would
be coming back to this nation some day. I can already feel a passion
and love for the Burmese people developing within me, and despite
the language barrier I find the people here to be very friendly.
Only a
few hours after I arrived in the city I met up with my team and we
attended the Sunday service of our host church. I was impressed by
the spiritual atmosphere of the church and despite the fact that
I only had three hours of sleep the previous night I could feel the
power and presence of God surge through my body. We introduced ourselves
and Putri, the Indonesian on our team, preached an excellent message
about the effectual, fervent prayer of the righteous man. Afterwards
I was given the opportunity to ministry prophetically to the corporate
church and held a healing line where we saw people healed of
pains in their body, sicknesses, migraines and other unnamed illnesses.
We have
begun! This is just the tip of the iceberg. We have established a
foothold and we expect to continue forward in boldness, love and
in supernatural power! Burma you will never be the same again.
31, 2007
I taught four days in one Bible school before transferring and
teaching in a different Bible school. On my last day in that
school I taught about healing. I used scripture to explain to
the students how to heal the sick in conjunction
with evangelism. After building a sufficient scriptural foundation
I began to demonstrate. I called all those who had an infirmity
in their body to come to the front. I laid hands on the first person
and rebuked the infirmity, and that person was healed. I then began
to have the person who was healed to lay hands on the next person
and do the same thing. I continued to do this until everyone was
able to participate, and praise God many people were healed! A
man was healed of Malaria, a girl was healed of a heart disorder
and difficulty breathing, another girl was healed of a reoccurring
problem in her throat, and many others were healed of pains and
problems in their body! Of course after this teaching I had someone
who wanted me to pray that she could be taller, but she was already
of normal height.
I taught in the next Bible school for three days. I trained them
in healing, prophecy and other subjects to help equip them. Once
again I had several people ask me to prophesy over them after the
prophecy teaching. The teaching on healing was very successful.
Two women were healed of ovary problems, the pastor was healed
of a headache and neck pains, and a woman was healed of a back

of the students who were healed

woman was healed of a back pain and she can now touch her toes
You may wonder why I am teaching in Bible schools and not doing
street evangelism and crusades. In Myanmar (Burma), Christian activity
is greatly restricted. In many churches and provinces foreigners
are not allowed to do ministry. If they are caught ministering,
nothing will be done to the foreigner, but the pastor and church
members will be thrown in jail, have their church taken away or
asked to pay a large fine. So in order to avoid those problems
I discretely trained local believers in secret Bible schools. My
goal was to impart into the Burmese believers so that they can
impact their nation long after I am gone.