reports from Jim
Canadian disciple Jim Hathaway attended The Elijah Challenge Advanced Training
is my third trip back to the Philippines and I arranged for Dr. Thaigan,
a dentist to be apart of this adventure. He was with
the Blaan tribe for the first 3 days, training medical staff and
treating patients in the village where Pastor Elito lives and has
his church. I was at the Bible school in Alabel for the first 3 days.
I am so thankful to the Lord for Dr. Thaigan's being able to come
as he was not only a blessing to the Blaan people but a great help
and now friend to me! He worked many, many long hours tending to
the immediate needs of all that needed his help. The medical staff
consisted of the family of Pastor Elito and church members. Dr. Thaigan
was impressed at how quickly they learned their role as technical
aids for him. He told me that they learned in one afternoon of training
what others take up to a month to learn. Thanks to God and you girls
for all your help!
Pastor Tito had arranged a small truck to pick me up at the airport.
I entered the back of the truck and was greeted by 12 other folks
from the school. We snuggled together on our way to the Sunday service
where I shared in both morning and evening services. There were 2
highlights of the evening service:
1] The 4 people and their families that had been practicing witchcraft, that
were healed and saved from last year's crusade were at the service. They are
all now baptised and regular church attendees in this new church plant, and
2] After my preaching on "leaving the world's ways and serving God," from
1 Corinthians Chapters 2-4, I had an alter call for repentance. All the
leaders came up for prayer. Seemed pretty straight forward until 2 ladies
started to
manifest demons. The babies were taken in the care of another lady and
then I commanded the demon out of the first lady. She collapsed on the
floor crying.
The second lady was a little different as she had her hands raised in the
air and I thought she was praising God but I could not understand what
she was saying
as sometimes there was English and sometimes Tagalo and then another language.
As I came closer to her the "volume" seemed to be turned up so
I stood back and observed. I asked Pastor Tito if he thought she was manifesting.
His thoughts
were " Well she speaks English and Tagalog, but not Chinese, so I
think so." Again I approached her, the "volume" again went up. I commanded
the demon to hush and get out, and asked the Holy Spirit to fill her. It
was just
that easy. The countenance on her face and eyes had changed dramatically
as she was free. I had never heard a demon talk before.
I stayed in the village of Alabel, in a 2-room sort of duplex with about
5 other families. It is hard to tell where the village starts and the farms
end as all
night long the roosters crowed, cows mooed and pigs squealed. These were
all different neighbours live stock right next door. I am thankful for
my ear plugs!
My transportation was behind Pastor Tito on his motor bike. To and from
everywhere. Highlight, a western toilet in the bath house!
The next day was very fruitful. The demonstration for the Elijah Challenge course went well.
4 students healed: 2 backs, body pain and high blood pressure. Back at the duplex
the girls that were my helpers asked for prayer as Arlene was suffering from
the flu and Juvilee has had a shoulder problem for 4 years. Both were healed
instantly. Total flexibility had returned in the shoulder. Many tears!
stage mock crusade next to us but accept Christ
The evening crusade was a challenge for me. There were about 300
folks in attendance at Barangay Spring. Many homosexuals and
practitioners of witchcraft. This
is the area where one of the Bible school students is going to plant
a church. I shared the Gospel and asked those that needed healing
to come forward to
prove what I had shared was true. I waited and waited and waited and
started to worry
that no one was going to come forward because no one was coming forward!
Finally one man came up. He had chest pains and he was known by all the
people there.
When I laid my hands on his chest there was obvious relief and he testified
to the healing....then folks started to come and all were healed. For
this night,
I was a little disappointed that all those that came for healing only
wanted me to pray for them. I made a slight change for the next night
as I placed
all the Elijah Challenge students in front of me and they had to go through
the students first.
This worked very well as I prayed for only a few this night.
Call for repentance, results were dramatic...

healing for migraine headache

and Dr. Thiagan
was a lot of mocking by the "gay" crowd on the second night.
They were holding there own crusade complete with dancing and laying on of hands
for the sick. One of the older students "commanded" them
to stop. She was away from them and was surprised that after
a few moments
they did
that and joined into to the worship time and many
accepted the Lord when the call to follow Jesus came. I am continually amazed
at what God
can do when
we make ourselves available to HIM! The other highlights for me
4 asthmatics came to me for healing. In everyone I could feel their
chest and shoulders
relax as their breathing returned to normal. Many backs and stomachs
were healed through
the students. Flexibility returned. Highlights for them were a
deaf boy received his hearing and a lady whose hands we paralyzed
AND even drunks were healed!
of 174 healed, 162 born again to be followed up and a new church
started. Reports back to us that the local people were very pleased
about the crusades.
All the pastors that received training and were involved in the crusades
were amazed at: 1] how cheap an outreach can be. Only using regular people
and 2]
how much unity there was as they were from different churches. I explained
to them that the Lord's strategy through the Grt Commission was to achieve
We are simply to preach the Gospel, heal the sick and cast out demons to
every nation tribe and tongue. The strategy of planting churches is all part
of discipling
these nations and to repeat the process. Then we will see the return of Jesus.
The busyness of the "job" keeps the unity because we are busy. As
with a working job when there is nothing to do, the workers always start to
When everyone is busy, all are happy. The same in the Kingdom of God. Preaching,
discipling and church planting keeps us busy. My challenge to each pastor was
to start to plan their own Elijah Challenge outreach in the next few months
and then start to plan and pray where there next church plant would be. A church
planted where
there is no other church, and then keep repeating this. They have caught the
vision and are excited to transfer their excitement to their church members.
They will also support the Bible school with students.
Back up to the mountain villages
On the Wednesday Pastor Elito picked me up in his tricycle to take me to
Malapatan and the Blaan people. I always enjoy being with this family as
we have become
very close over the last few years. Immediately on my arrival I was greeted
by many old friends. I went into the church where Dr. Thaigan was busy with
new staff tending to the dental needs of the Blaan people and community.
I was really overwhelmed at actually seeing what I hoped to happen actually
being done
in this area of ministry. And the untiring work that Dr. Thaigan was doing
was fantastic!
School room used for dental office

office in Elito's home. Note the table in the immediate forground.
Elito and his wife Deborah graciously gave up their bedrooms
for Dr. Thaigan and myself.
The table is what they slept on.
A short visit and then I was in the mountain homes. I really
wanted to see the Grandpa that was healed from the stroke last
year. There he was enjoying
but had 2 complaints. Seems there was still a little stiffness in his thighs.
I commanded this to go and it left. Second was he could not really jump
in the air like he used to. I asked his age. He is 70 years old.
We discerned
that maybe
he was just getting on on age and this had nothing to do with his stroke....
Evening crusade was very hard. During the worship time I became very
ill and had to leave to use the "facilities". I was very hot and could not
concentrate. I was wanting to turn the evening over to someone else, but the
Lord kept saying " Leave the results up to me". During
my sharing I was really unfocused and did not think I was being very
I thought
Thaigan was praying for me as his eyes were closed but he confessed
later that he was falling asleep. Oh well. But the results were great
healings as
everyone that came for healing was healed. The most dramatic was
4 ladies with cataracts
or partial blindness received there sight back. Dr. Thaigan and I
watched a ladies eyes, that were clouded over, be totally clear as
we commanded
the cataracts
to leave.
It was difficult to get the trained Elijah Challenge students from past
years to participate in the evening crusade. None of the pastors had held
own outreaches after
their training. Dr. Thaigan had discerned that they were timid and really
needed to know that it is ordinary people that God uses to do His will.
He shared this
with the people and called for them to repent. About 40 folks came forward
and Dr. Thaigan, Pst Elito and myself laid hands on each one as they cried
out to
God for boldness. Almost everyone fell to the ground as the H/Spirit moved
and ministered. This proved to be valuable as in the next evenings crusade
boldness to take charge was fantastic! No one came forward for salvation
as all were Christians.
We left for the next evenings crusade at 5 AM. 35 people piled in
a jeepney built for maybe 20. If you put an extra bench in the middle
of the jeepnee
and have
some people ride on the roof, it is actually quite easy to get
35 people on board. Not to mention all the dental gear.
village of Barangay Lunen
Our trip took us to the Blaan village of Barangay Lunen. This village
is about 1 hour off the main road and is not made for jeepnees, believe
me! Anyway this area was started by a pastor in 1968 to help bring
an income in to the Blaan people by clearing miles and miles of mountain
jungle and planting coconuts, bananas, rice and papayas. There are
about 2000 farmers living and working in this area. I know they are
prospering as their beds have mattresses.
Dr. Thaigan again went to work with his staff and this area of
the world was blessed by the love of God through the ministry of
Dr. Thaigan. It is so very hard for us to understand what the dental
need really is. I was told that decay is so extreme that many folks
had probably suffered many, many years with cavities and they were
just pointing out the teeth that were hurting at the moment. Simple
education on the effects of sugar was given to those that were
able to come.
Evening crusade was great. Turns out that this too was a church
planting situation and the Elijah Challenge course was being used to draw new
believers. The boldness of the Elijah Challenge students was evident as after
I shared and asked for folks to come forward for healing the team
took over. I just stood back and watched proudly as the evening
proceeded with not much help. The alter call was done by the students
and Pastor Elito led each first time commitment to the Lord. There
were 21 saved, over 30 re-commitments and about 30 healed. Many
backs, shoulders etc., I think because Dr. Thaigan and I were really
left out as all the testimonies were in Blaan. They were actually
on there own. It was great!
are photos of Barangay Lunen, a small village of 2000 Blaan farmers
about 45 minutes off the main road. The "path" we
took by jeepney was a challenge, 35 people on board, and the travel
time was about 1 hour.
35 passengers arrive by jeepney to Barangay
Lunen, a small farming village of 2000 Blaan farmers.

Crowd for crusade
Jim preaching with over 150 in attendance

Elijah Challenge-trained students
take charge of the meeting

I think the little grandma testified that she was
healed---no one prayed for her or laid hands on her.

Dr. Thaigan and I are watching proudly as the TEC
students are applying what they have learned with boldness.

Folks lining up to testify, all were healed that
came for healing. Dr. Thiagan and I only prayed for 2 or 3 people
in total, the other 25 or so were ministered to by the students

Above & below: Pastor. Elito led 21 first time commitments
personally to the Lord. Over 50 came forward, many backsliders.

returned home to Malapatan after our 17-hour day. The next
day was a sort of day off, except for Dr. Thaigan. He continued
be a blessing for the village and made
sure that Pastor Elito's family had their dental needs taken care
He finished this
last day
at approximately 8 PM!
I have learned again that God is more interested in our availability
than our abilities!
the aftermath...
Report received from Pastor Tito Cagang Sr. on December
Sunday I visited the Barangay Spring the crusade site to see
the pioneering work there that we have started. Praise the Lord
there were plenty of people who attended the Sunday service and
most of them were those who accepted Jesus Christ
during the crusade. Therefore I'm so glad because the word of God
that you
preached at the last crusade has brought more fruit. Oh, how
really wonderful. We miss you because
the good deeds you left for us. You are truly a man of God
who is used by the Lord to heal the sick."
From Pastor Tito Cagang, Sr. to The Elijah Challenge on December 23:
"I happy to share to you that as of now, the CHRIST MINISTRIES
SAMARITAN INC., is blessed of the recent Seminar and Crusade which
were happened last November 7-10, 2010 with Rev. Jan James Hathaway
as our guest speaker. He was used by God to be the great healer and
a bearer of the effort to work out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
The seminar was indeed great and successful. It was attended by the
bible school students and the pastors belonging to the organization.
The discussions were really mouthful and inspiring. It taught us the
distinction between Gift of Healing and Authority of Healing. The attendees
were really blessed and they look forward to having more seminars like
the ones we had. Above all, we knew how to do the authority of healing
than gift of healing.
Further, the two-night crusade which was held in Brgy. Spring, Alabel,
Sarangani Province, Philippines was definitely a triumph. There were
souls who were lost but were found when the presence of God filled
up the atmosphere and the entire assembly. There were even sickly persons
who were positively healed by the instruments of God. Many did enjoy
the crusade and they are praying to have another crusades in the near
to top
10:9 "Heal
the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"