Jim Hathaway, British Columbia, Canada

Lady barber healed while giving haircut to Jim | March 2009



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Jim was trained under The Elijah Challenge in Houston in February 2008. He reports:

"I have to tell you about my time with my barber. She had been suffering with carpal tunnel and degenerative arthritis for a very long time, with a lump the size of a golf ball on her wrist and about 10% flexibility in her fingers. She had had to cut back her hours because of pain, able only to work a few hours a day.

During my last haircut she was telling everyone about her problem and was wearing a wrist brace. I wanted to minister to her but didn't get a chance. Today she was still telling all her customers her story. She even had a "reiki" healer treat her. Here was an "Elijah Challenge" situation if ever there was one.

While cutting my hair I told her about Elijah and Jesus and that I wanted to minister to her to show her that Jesus is the same God who heals the sick and who forgives our sins and that HE is the only way to the Father.

After the first time of laying on of hands ministry, there was some movement and less pain. BUT after the second time the swelling was almost gone and with the sound of a "pop" in her finger joint, all flexibility had returned with no pain."

Luke 10:9 "Heal the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"