Carl Henderson
| Elijah Challenge Coordinator for the Philippines

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Carl trained with The Elijah Challenge in 2006, and is presently serving as a missionary in the Philippines.

July 2009 Update

"We have 5 full time Filipino missionary-evangelist with us and two part time missionaries (intern missionaries and college students at the same time). Since we left Baguio International Church last month, we have already trained 150 new Filipino evangelist in two different locations (Aparri the hottest city in the Philippines and Pangansinan). We will be going back to Manila to train Pastors and on to Davao / Surigao and Gen. Santos in Mindanao. Two weeks ago, when we were in Aparri we passed through NPA (New Peoples Army / communist guerrillas) territory without problems but the next day, 12 people were killed by the NPA and several large vehicles, buses and trucks were burned. It is always best to travel with an angel escort!

The thrust of our ministry now will be teaching The Elijah Challenge (TEC) and Way of the Master (WOTM0 nationwide, training up local Filipino evangelist with these two tools, teaching Obedience Based Discipleship (OBD) in house churches, and training local house church planters to use TEC/WOTM to evangelize and plant more churches. The Lord has already opened many doors for us.

I will update my website and you soon. So much has happened that I have not been able to tell you about or write up... For instance, in Pangasinan we healed 14 people (everyone who came forward) with one call of The Elijah Challenge and they were all instantly healed. A very painful ovarian cyst, painful Urinary Tract Infection, migraine headaches, were healed along with the usual hip, shoulder, vision, arthritis, back pain, and much, much, more. One call for healing and they were all healed. In addition to this, previously, when were leading our new evangelist out to share their faith one-2-one for the first time, two other people were healed.

Hunchback woman instantly healed

I have one Filipina missionary-evangelist who is very bold and she healed an old hunch-back woman and the joints loudly cracked as her spine straighted up. The old woman stood with a look of shock on her face and held her breath. Everyone heard the sound and felt the joints moving. They all waited for her to speak, finally she let her breath out and said, "I was afraid to breath in case it went back crooked." Then the celebration began, everyone was full of joy over grandma Lola's healing.

I hope to have a lot more stories like this up on our website soon. I have a lot to tell you about. I have been silent but GOD has not been silent! God blessed us at BIC with a whole new crop of Filipino missionary-evangelist, many house churches (SEED Churches) and many new converts to disciple in this new "way" of life. Most of them already have the vision.

If we have the money and the Lord gives me the time, we will accomplish so much for His glory and Kingdom here. We have also penetrated the local colleges and we hope to raise up another crop of missionary-evangelist from these students."

Pastor Carl Henderson
Missionary to the Philippines

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Luke 10:9 "Heal the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"