24 October 2007
Night – 8.00 PM
Elijah Challenge School of Basic Ministry Training (SBMT)
End-Time Model of Evangelism
Organized by Grace Charismatic Centre
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Sixty plus participants from four churches gather at Grace Charismatic
Centre to attend the first training session of Elijah Challenge End-time
Model of Evangelism. This is the first time such training is presented
to these people from Kuantan, a state in peninsula Malaysia.
Pastor Richard Ong is instrumental in getting this series of meeting
on the road. During our last trip to Kuantan in June 2007, we met
with this pastor who has been the Senior Pastor of Grace Charismatic
Centre for 18 years. We shared with him what God had been doing through
Elijah Challenge and Pastor Richard was sold to the vision of Elijah

Pastor Richard Ong, Elijah Challenge
East Coast, West Malaysia
first session commence with a cautious start as the participants
are not sure what they would be learning. They are told that this
seminar healing approach is different from the normal healing seminars.
The atmosphere is that of quiet anticipation - without much display
of open enthusiasm. Everybody is polite and listening well. I remember
that was my response when I first listened to Pastor W. presenting
Elijah Challenge. I was sceptical of his teaching and wondered what
new things from the Bible he could teach me. So what goes around
comes around. It is my turn to receive such on-the-fence reception.
As there is also Chinese interpretation, the training progress is
laborious at best. I really appreciate Sister Rose, the Chinese interpreter,
for trying her best to follow my train of thought. I know if I find
the progress laborious, she definitely finds it exasperating. Thankfully,
as the session continues, both of us manage to find our momentum.
minutes before ten, I have only gone through half of the lesson.
The participants learn about the challenge
that Elijah gave
to the 450 prophets of Baal. They are told that believers do have
similar type of authority to challenge people from other faiths to
prove whether theirs or our God is the true God – simply by
asking God to do miracles. When I say that at the end of the session,
I will demonstrate this fact by healing the sick, few people actually
catch the idea.
However, they do love the story of David and Goliath. Through this
story, I explain about the three different anointings that have been
given to the Church and how the modern churches are tied up with
only the Priestly Anointing and the Prophetic Anointing without giving
heed to the Kingly Anointing. The participants laugh when I show
them how when praying for the sick, they have so often mix the Priestly
Action with the Kingly Action. God does not want us to pray to Him
and at the same time, take authority over the diseases and demons.
I can see the participants are beginning to doubt whether I am a
heretic or some kind of cult teacher. The little illustration, of
a soldier having to make unnecessary and ridiculous calls to his
Prime Minister even though he has been authorized to use his M-16
to kill the enemies, makes good sense to them and enlightenment begin
to appear on their faces. However, the best proofs are from the words
of God and they are visibly relieved when they read that both Jesus
and the early Disciples hardly pray to God before they heal the sick
or cast out demons,
I emphasize
on John 14:12 as the passages of the Lord’s miracles
are expounded one by one. They are told Jesus is known as the Man
of the Spirit and we are known as the Church of the Spirit. That
is the reason why we can continue to do greater things in the kingdom
of God.
They are excited when I show the pictures of the healing testimonies
that occurred in the Philippines, Niger, Egypt, Ho Chi Minh and Uttar
Pradesh in North India. They are especially thrilled when they see
the slide showing Pastor William escaping, on a motorcycle, from
the police at Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam.
faith level rises by the minutes. The participants lean forward
to catch every word – especially after I say that this is not
a healing ministry of superstar preachers but that of the “nameless
and faceless” modern disciples of Christ. Later, after the
meeting, quite a few come to me and happily declare themselves to
be the “nameless and faceless” disciples. As the time
is getting late, I quickly explain the difference between the gift
or healing and the authority to heal. They also got a brief introduction
to the “faith of God”.
it is time for the demonstration, I am a little hesitant because
I sense that the level of faith among the participants
is still at
a very low level. Grace and I have to lean heavily on our own faith
of God to make sure that people are healed. When I ask for the people
with pain in their bodies to raise their hands, few cautiously do
so. With some encouragement from Pastor Richard, the infirm come
out to the front. A few volunteers also come up to learn how to take
authority over the sick. When everybody is organized, I give the
first round of command. Then I turn to a young lady and ask her whether
she is healed. She announces a loud “no”! Then I move
to the next patient and receive another “no”. Some have
some improvement but no one is totally healed. My worst fear comes
true - nobody is healed.
it is imagined or real, all eyes are staring at me. They seem to
ask, “What are you going to
do next?” or worse, “What can you do next?” I
have seen such scepticism before and what can I do but smile. I
that if Jesus had to take authority the second time over the blind
man who saw men as trees, I declare that I am willing to go 20
rounds until these infirm are healed. Without fear of failure,
I give the
second command and miracles begin to happen. Back pain disappears,
arthritic pain goes away and headaches also left. The third command
brings in more healing testimonies. Then in the fourth round, I
ask each group to appoint a leader to give the command over the
while the rest of the group members follow in unison. Testimony
after testimony - the faith barrier has finally crumbled. I can
see the
satisfying look of those who have successfully healed their patients
in the name of Jesus. After the training is declared over, pockets
of believers are still taking authority over different people with
infirmities and declaring their victories with loud applauses.
It is a good and most rewarding night.
the trip to Kuantan from Kuala Lumpur, the sky was overcast and
the heavily laden clouds threatened to pour their load. We remember
your teaching about Jesus calming the sea. He was upset when the
disciples called Him to help them. So, we decided to tell the monsoon
rain clouds to be blown away from the roads that we were using. We
had a very dry journey except for a 2-minute rain when I was on the
phone. After the call, I scolded the rain saying, "How dare
you come down when I was on the phone. Stop now, in the name of Jesus!" Believe
us when we say that the rain stopped and we continued the journey
without a single drop of rain until we reached Kuantan. After we
checked into our room, the rain came in absolute fury.
Coincidence? Guess not.
reason is because on the way home to Kuala Lumpur, we were also
caught in a heavy downpour. Using the same "faith of God," we commanded
the rain
to stop. The rain kept coming down and refused to obey. Finally we
got "mad" and screamed at the rain and commanded, "Stop.
Not one drop must come down!" You know the result? Not one
drop came down after that. Though the heavy clouds continued to try
and frighten us with heavy downpour, they could not do anything.
Our journey home was absolutely dry.
Evening, Ocotber 26
second session was held after we came back from ministry in Kerteh.
New participants had joined the present group
and the excitement
was in the air. It was a marked difference from the first session.
Our fellow Elijah Eagles, Brother Alvin Chong and his wife, Sister
Maggie, had driven up to help us. I began the session by referring
to Luke 9 and 10 where Jesus gave authority to both the apostles
and ordinary believers to heal the sick and cast out demons. Once
again, I reiterated on the difference between "praying for the
sick" and "healing the sick". I asked the participants, "Is
it easier to pray for the sick or heal the sick?" Everybody
was spontaneous and said, "Pray for the sick!" My students
had learned well because many of them were instrumental in healing
the sick during the last session.
To maintain
their attention, I explained that the purpose of going through
the verses was to build their faith. They
were asked to be
patient if I were to repeat some pertinent points "19 times".
It was my spiritual mentor, Rev. Florence Beck, who advised me that
for the congregation to grasp an important principle, I must not
to be afraid to repeat it "19 times". The participants
also learned that the healing method taught by Elijah Challenge is
not the same as some of the healing methods taught in the Charismatic
circle. We would never stop applying the authority to heal as long
as the pain or disease remains. No one is to claim healing "by
faith". They must be healed by faith. The patient should not
go home pretending that he or she is healed if in reality, he is
still in pain and not feeling well. I emphasized that we have to
believe in real healing. Therefore we did not allow those who were
only partially healed, to testify. Pastor Richard and I literally
sent them back to be ministered until the pain was completely gone.
We really insisted on complete tangible healing.
of the difficult parts in training long-time Christians is to help
them undo what they had been taught about
the ministry of healing
and casting out demons. Many think that the demons only submit to
God and Jesus. That was what happened with some of the participants
in this session. They were still very much confused about to whom
the demons and diseases would submit. To clarify that once and for
all, I expounded on Luke 10:17 - the seventy-two ordinary disciples
returned with joy and said, "Lord, even the demons submit to
us in your name." So I asked "To whom did the demons submit?" The
enthusiastic audience shouted, "To us!" I added that the
Church does have authority over the demons and diseases and therefore,
it would be appropriate to expect them to submit to us. They almost
fell off their chairs when I told them that they should let the demons
know their names. They laughed when I told them that hell has one
of the most sophisticated computers and in it, the demons recorded
all the names of Christians. With reference to Acts 19:15 where it
was recorded that the demons said to the seven sons of Sceva, "Jesus
I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?" And how the
man who had the evil spirit overpowered self-styled exorcists and
gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and
bleeding. That was why I insisted that the participants should live
and serve in such a way that even the demons of hell are afraid of
their names.
I further
explained why, after the ordinary disciples testified about their
victories, that Jesus said, "I saw satan fall like
lightning from heaven." The power of satan over a particular
area would fall, if we would heal the sick and cast out demons in
that area. When people turn to worship God, the powerful grip of
the devils in that area would be loosened and ultimately destroyed.
To further
increase their faith, I referred to Luke 10:19 – "I
have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions".
Since snakes and scorpions represent diseases and demons, the Christians
have been given divine authority to destroy them. Then I twisted
the second half of Luke 10:19 with "And to overcome SOME power
of the enemy!" The participants were silent for a while and
then sought to correct my mistake. They pointed to the slide that
had the verse clearly displayed – "And to overcome ALL
the power of the enemy!" The more I insisted that the Christians
only have the authority to overcome "some power", the more
they voiced their disapproval in unison: "All the power".
Finally, after concurring with them, I asked whether Jesus was a
liar. Now they were all charged up and shouted, "No!" Then
I queried why did some of them behaved as though the demons were
having the upper hand with their lives. I added that then why were
they afraid to cast out demons and heal the sick. When I want to
the last sentence of Luke 10:19 and said, "something will harm
you!" They were ready for me and retorted with "nothing
will harm you!" I asked if they really believe "nothing
will harm" them and their positive answer would make the early
disciples proud.
it was time for demonstration. I invited the infirm to come forward
and this time, they moved quickly. Those who were sceptical
during the first night of training were now the ones who encouraged
others to come forward. As the trainees laid hands on the infirm,
I used applied the kingly authority and commanded the pain and diseases
to leave. This time, miracles happened instantly. Once again, people
with arthritic joints were healed. A couple of bad backs were healed.
One sister with breathing problem was relieved of that. Hearing problems
were also miraculously made well. I was literally relieved that the
faith of the participants had increased tremendously. The exciting
healing testimonies of this session once again confirmed that our
Lord Jesus Christ is alive and well. We thank our precious Lord for
allowing us the privilege of having such powerful ministries.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The third session began with worship in both English and Chinese.
The participants arrived early and apparently ready for the final
lesson. Pastor Richard asked Brother Alvin Chong to greet the people.
After that, I moved quickly through the profile and ministries of
Elijah Challenge Asia with the trainees. The purpose was to assure
that if they would need any help concerning Power Evangelism in the
future our organisation would be nearby to assist them. Another reason
was to show that there is a wider group of Elijah Challengers, located
in different parts of the world, who are most willing to work with
them - the latest Elijah Challengers.

Alvin Chong & Maggie greeting the participants
participants nodded in agreement when I said that the current model
of mass healing evangelism is not only costly
but also focused
on specific gifted "superstar" evangelists. There are hardly
any healing ministries where the laity is involved. A big crusade
held in a large and expensive facility like a stadium would cost
lots of money. Moreover, the follow-up of new believers is not effective.
Few are added to the local churches for discipleship.
I then
offered a better alternative - churches that apply the Elijah Challenge
End-time Model of Evangelism would conduct
relatively small
and less expensive evangelistic rallies in their neighbourhoods.
I got them to start thinking that "smaller is indeed better".
What is more exciting for such method is that the local "nameless
and faceless" believers can heal the sick at these evangelistic
meetings, thus confirming the truth of the gospel to the lost. There
is no need for superstar pastors or even ministers with the gift
of healing. Such local meetings can also be held as often as necessary.
trainees seemed very receptive to this "home-grown" idea.
To confirm its advantage, I showed them slides of the healing
conducted in our church and also the one conducted by Pastor
W. in Uganda.
In the slides, he was shown speaking in a marketplace
with the sound equipment hooked up to a pick-up truck. The trainees
saw many people at this open-air marketplace giving their lives
to Christ after they witnessed or experienced miraculous healing.
whole evangelistic event cost the Ugandan church almost nothing.
The sound equipment and pick-up truck belonged to the Church
and her members and so there was no need to raise extra money
for additional
equipments or rentals. After the rally, within 15 minutes, everything
was packed and the team could move on to another destination.
Imagine what kind of impact if hundreds upon hundreds of such
low-cost evangelistic
meetings were to be conducted in Asia and across the world.
next topic had to do with distance healing and mass healing. With
reference to Luke 7, the participants learned
how Jesus used "distance-healing" to
heal the centurion's servant. I shared with them my experience in
conducting distance healing. Our Chinese pastor, Rev Chui's mother-in-law
was in a coma for four days at a hospital at Raub, Pahang. When I
learned about that, I took authority in the name of Jesus with Pastor
Chui, commanding her to wake up. That was at about 3 PM and by 5
PM ; Pastor Chui received a call from his wife that the mother-in-law
had awakened. In another incident, my good friend, Brother Aaron
was healed of his intense back pain through an "authority to
heal" (SMS) text message that I sent him. I explained that if
a general could give an order to his subordinate face-to-face, would
the general's authority be diluted if he were to order this soldier
through the phone or (SMS) text message? Of course not! His authority
would remain exactly the same.
I explained about mass healing – using
the same illustration - if a general has authority over one soldier,
won't he also have
authority over many? In a mass rally when there are hundreds or even
thousands of infirm, there are not enough trained believers to lay
hands on them. The only best alternative is to have the sick lay
hands on themselves and usually on the affected areas and then one
of the trained believers or the pastor would take authority and give
the command for these infirm to be healed in the name of Jesus. The
diseases and demons have to obey the authority exercised by the believers.
I said that during my last trip to the Philippines, many were healed
with this method.

Albert teaches
on the difference and relationship between authority and power,
I explained that authority which is known
as "exousia" in
Greek is normally used for healing at a distance, while power ("dunamis" in
Greek) is used for healing the infirm by the laying on of hands.
I made it a point to mention that it would be better if the trainees
learned how to exercise "exousia-authority" over the infirmity
as well as impart "dunamis-power" by laying hands on the
infirm person simultaneously.
To avoid
any doubt on the concept of imparting "dunamis-power",
I mentioned that the woman, who was bleeding for twelve years, received
healing when she touched the clothes of Jesus. The fascinating portion
was found in Mark 5:30, when Jesus realized that power had gone out
from him. The crowd was pressing around him and yet he wondered who
touched him. Through this episode, the trainees learned that through
faith, tangible healing "dunamis-power" can leave a person
and be imparted to the infirm.
As time
was running out fast, I moved quickly to the topic of taking authority
over the flesh. The participants
were asked if they loved
Jesus. Everybody said "yes"! I then read John 14:15 out
loud, "If you love me, you will obey what I command!" Emphasizing
what it meant to obey the commands of the Lord, I showed them Mark
10 - the story of the rich young ruler who claimed that he had obeyed
all of the Ten Commandments until Jesus exposed his hypocrisy. The
young man failed even to obey the first commandment –his wealth
was his god. Then I explained that even though we are no longer under
the laws, the Ten Commandments have become the Ten Principles. For
any born-again Christians, the result of our salvation would be to
live a life of obedience in consistent with what are required in
the Ten Commandments. I was very cautious in my approach because
I did not want the people to think that we were going back to the
laws. However, I made the emphasis that some "Christians" may
go to hell because the grace of God would not be appropriated on
unrepented heart. True repentance means to turn away from sins. Those
who stole should steal no more. Those who committed adultery should
stop. The best guideline to a fruitful Christian life would be to
produce fruits of action in alignment with the Ten Commandments or
Ten Principles. At the time of temptation, the Christians can take
authority over their flesh. To give the assurance that those who
have confessed and repented would always find deliverance in Christ,
I showed Romans 8:1-2 – "Therefore, there is now no condemnation
for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the
law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death".
By the time the session was over at 12.30 PM, all the trainees were
able to memorize the Ten Commandments by heart. As the trainees began
to leave the sanctuary, Pastor Chandran, the pastor in charge of
the Indian ministry at Grace Charismatic Centre, brought a teenage
girl to me. He said that this girl was possessed by demons and had
been manifesting lately. He wanted me to cast out the demons in her.
However, I found out that the girl had already accepted Christ as
her Savior and so I explained to her that the Lord was able to help
her directly. When I asked Pastor Chandran to lead her in salvation
prayer, she repeated every word with evident sincerity. After that
I commanded the demons to come out, there was absolutely no manifestation.
After a few times, I concluded that either she never had a demon
or that the demon had left her after she said the sinner's prayer.
The young lady smiled widely because she was so happy that she was
no longer under the power of demons. Later in the evening, she was
to receive divine healing to her other physical infirmities.
Even though there was no healing demonstration during this final
session, I knew that the participants would be ready to face the
challenges in the evening's Evangelistic Rally. I felt a sense of
relief that another group of Elijah Challengers had been trained.
At that juncture, the only best thing to do was to rest up and get
myself spiritually ready for the evening's battle.

for & preparing the trainees for the healing rally
Luke 10:9 "Heal
the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"