Pastor Albert Kang, Malaysia | Coordinator for Elijah Challenge Asia

Timothy's Lam Mission Trip to Guilin, China | January 2011



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More reports from Pastor Albert

In July 2010 Albert taught the Elijah Challenge at Timothy Lam's Full Gospel Church in Ipoh, Malaysia. In January 2011 Timothy went on a mission trip to the city of Guilin in China to teach leadership using John Maxwell's materials. While there he was given an opportunity to teach The Elijah Challenge to the Chinese believers. Below is Timothy's report on what the Lord did.

Comatose woman healed at a distance

"We touched on healing-at-a-distance [as Jesus did in Luke 7]---a case presented to us involved a comatose elderly woman in Szechuan [another province in China]. The students stretched their hands in that direction and commanded healing and restoration for her in the name of Jesus.

That evening a text message was received by one of the leaders saying that the elderly woman had gotten up from bed and started eating almost immediately and gulped down everything from the plate!

This evening two students went to command weariness and tiredness in the name of Jesus from a woman kitchen helper. She was almost instantly rejoicing and beaming with joy. During dinner she was edgy and complaining!"

Subsequent testimonies from Timothy

"Praise God for His mercy and greatness.

a) in C Church, China: The Lord is working wonders through the trained ones who decided to activate their faith and commanded healing on people [in the name of Jesus]. A group who attended the training ministered to the infirm during a service when people stepped out in response to the 'altar call'. They volunteered to step forth and serve the infirm and commanded healing in Jesus' Name.

The leaders were amazed and opposition was quelled!

A testimony came this way: An elderly man who could not speak started to utter words after being ministered to. His wife wanted to hear him say, "I love you"...and he did. Slowly but surely, he said those lovely words to his wife after many years of dumbness. [In Chinese, the words would sound like "wo ai ni."]

b) in KoG Church, China: Cell Group format. Back pain, Parkinson's Disease, migraine, deafness (caused by accident during Cultural Revolution), knee pain, frozen shoulder - all received healing in Jesus' Name.

c) The elderly woman in Szechuan who arose from comatose: she shared that whilst in the coma, she felt she went for a long walk but was called back. This was around the same time the students commanded healing in Jesus' name from a distance in Guilin!

I went to China to teach leadership but ended up giving an express session of Elijah Challenge Asia materials. I stand amazed and humbled by God's divine direction and intervention.

I was able to complete my teaching on leadership. The bonus is from God! All glory belongs to God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Reports from Pastor Albert Kang

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Luke 10:9 Heal the sick, and tell them "the kingdom of God is near you."