reports from Pastor Albert
Early in the morning, Grace and I were asked to heal a blind
and bedridden man who lived opposite the church. Pastor Butch came
us and by the grace of God, the man got up to walk in the name
of Jesus. His blind eyes were partially healed and he could see
light and shadows.
His wife complained that he had lost his appetite for a couple
of days. After we laid hands on his abdomen, he suddenly called
out to his wife
that he was very hungry and needed her to feed him immediately.
Later, Grace and the other sister laid hands and healed
the wife of a hard growth
in her abdomen. The hard growth became soft, shrank in size,
and then it was gone.
At 11.00 AM, we conducted a brief Elijah Challenge training with the
pastors and some of the leaders of the church. They were happy that
they could exercise their mountain-moving faith and experience the
healing power of our Lord.
The second healing service was scheduled in the afternoon. In spite
of the hot weather, the people from different churches started to arrive
before 2.00 PM. There were a couple of pastors and elders who came
with great expectation. Soon the sound of worship filled the warm sanctuary.
Grace presented a special song of worship before I took the pulpit.
Once again, I shared about the power of God to heal whenever the believers
apply their mountain-moving faith. Some of the pastors approached me
later to say that they had never heard about the authority to heal.
However, they believed because they witnessed the healing miracles
right before their very eyes.
During the healing demonstration, ten people came up to be healed.
Once again, as all the infirm were believers, I had Pastor Butch to
lead them in a prayer of confession and repentance. The healing of
Christians is always conditional upon their spiritual state. After
instructing those who were commanding to keep their eyes open when
they lay hands on the affected areas, I proceeded to lead them in commanding
the sick to be healed.
The Lord confirmed His promises by healing these people. A pastor testified
that the Lord had healed him of the pain in his left calf muscle. Another
pastor moved his arm vigorously because God had healed his painful
shoulder and joint. The third pastor to testify was healed of pain
in his lower back. A church elder’s leg was healed when his wife,
who is a pastor, laid hands on him. This lady pastor was also healed
of her own infirmity. She later testified that her painful leg had
been restored to normality. A young lady received healing of her neck.
The pain left her immediately after an ordinary believer laid hands
on her. A middle-aged lady was healed of her migraine headache. Later,
Pastor Butch helped me in giving the commands both in English and Cebuano.
As the faith of the ordinary believers grew, commands after commands,
more people were healed. An elderly lady who was at first disappointed
that her painful back was not healed, received healing after the final
command. Shekinah, the pastor’s youngest daughter, was so impressed
that she joined in to help in the healing. The lady whom she helped
to heal was healed of migraine headache.
That afternoon, the leaders and believers from different churches were
encouraged to exercise their God-given authority to heal the infirm
and share the Gospel. They were responding to the Word of God that
states in Luke 9:1-2, "He gave them power and authority to drive
out all demons and to cure diseases, and then He sent them out to preach
the kingdom of God and to heal the sick." Some of the pastors
invited us to come to their cities and barangays to share the Elijah
Challenge Basic Training in the future.
Reported by Rev Albert Kang
Coordinator, Elijah Challenge Asia
Bed-ridden man got up to walk in the name of Jesus

The infirm during 2nd Healing Service at Toledo

Giving instruction about healing

Learning how to lay hands on the infirm
Exercising their mountain-moving faith to heal the
Pastora Ahmey and Sis Grace healing this elderly lady
in the name of Jesus

Using the Kingly Authority to heal
(lower left) may be only 6 years old but she believes in healing
the sick
This pastor declared that he had been healed
This elder was healed when his wife who is a pastor
laid hands on him
This pastor was healed after she healed her husband
More reports from Pastor Albert
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Luke 10:9 Heal the sick, and tell them "the kingdom of God is near you."