Time Evangelism
Kingdom Victories
who have been Trained
Esther Challenge
Challenge Asia
Elijah Challenge Affiliates
reports from Pastor Albert
As a result of the following event, the Assemblies of God District
Superintendent of Northern Luzon is making plans
to partner with Elijah Challenge Coordinators
Albert Kang and Carl Henderson in order to train the students in the
Bible School as well as the pastors and leaders of the churches in
his district.
Conrado Lumahan is the Founder and Senior Pastor of All the Gospel
Church, a church affiliated with the Assemblies of God of the
Philippines. From this church, many other barrio churches sprung forth
to minister in different parts of Luzon. Apart from being a church
pioneer, Pastor Conrado is also well respected as a Christian leader
in his region. Thus he also serves as the District Superintendent of
the Northern Luzon District Council of his denomination, the Assemblies
of God. Before the district under his supervision was divided, he was
the overseer
more than 400 churches. Now he takes care of half that size but has
plan to multiply them rapidly.
From a humble beginning, 15 years ago, with only a few members, Pastor
Conrado pioneered All the Gospel Church which has grown to become a
vibrant evangelizing church today. All the Gospel Church is situated
by the seashore overlooking South China - an unsurpassed location in
Northern Luzon with a billion-dollar view. In this region, 66 percent
of the Filipinos speak Ilocano. The rest of them speak Pangasinan and

On 8 November 2009, the sanctuary by the seashore was filled with
joyful worship songs. The congregation was enthusiastic and apparently
by the anticipated miracles. In the morning, I shared the message
from Mark 10. The objective of the sermon was to encourage the
to use the ‘laws of God to convict’ and the ‘grace
of God to save’. Another aspect of the message was to show
them how they could take authority over their flesh. Everyone in
the church
had fun memorizing the Ten Commandments. After that, the congregation
collectively confessed and repented of their sins before the Lord.
The healing session was crowded with more than 25 people. As the
space at the front was limited, I invited the last two rows of believers
to heal those on the front row before they receive their own healing.
Pastor Conrado led the infirm in another prayer of repentance because
all those who needed healing were Christians. He had learned that
for these Christians was conditional. If the believers were to condone
serious sins such as bitterness and unforgiveness, then they may
not receive the healing.
Pastor Conrado commanded the diseases and ailments to leave in his
own Illocano language. Many of the believers who exercised their
faith to heal were those who needed to be healed themselves. Miracles
not only happen to those they helped but some of them also received
the miraculous touch of God themselves. A sister with chest pain
testified that the pain had left her. A couple of the participants
who had back
pain testified complete healing. A few of them with pain in the knees
and other parts of their limbs rejoiced at their healing. Soon those
who were in the second and third row were allowed to receive their
healings. Those who were already healed laid their hands on their
fellow members and healed them in the name of Jesus. More people
walked up
the stage to testify. A few of the elderly were suffering from stomach
ailments. After the laying of hands, they were miraculously healed.
The morning service concluded with Pastor Lumahan encouraging the
congregation to return at two in the afternoon for the Elijah Challenge

In the afternoon, there were more participants who came from the
neighboring churches. Many were pastors and church
leaders. Expounding from Luke
9 and 10, I shared with more details about our God-given
authority and power to heal within the context of evangelization. During
the healing demonstration, Pastor Lumahan once again
led the infirm
a prayer of confession of sins and repentance. There
were 16 participants who needed the healing touch. The participants,
were learning
how to heal, laid hands on the infirm as Pastor Lumahan
shouted out the
commands to heal in Ilocano. My team members, Brother
and Sister Ong moved among these believers and made sure that they did
healing correctly. For example, the trainees needed
to gently lay hands upon
the affected areas but they were not allowed to massage
or squeeze the infirm. They had to open their eyes because what they
doing was not praying but taking authority over the
diseases. In the past,
some of the infirm manifested demonic activities
and had to be subdued. Without opening our eyes, we would never be able
to observe
activities. Therefore, during the training, I emphasized
that commanding must be made with eyes wide opened.
After Pastor Lumahan had commanded twice, I requested that the
participants to command by themselves. They appointed a leader
in their commanding
team and went to work. Miracles continued to happen thus proving
that every Born-again believer has the authority and power to
heal in the
name of Jesus.
The testimonies of those who were healed were most
encouraging. Those who suffered from pain in the
eyes testified that they
were completely
healed. Pastor Lumahan asked whether the pain was
100 percent gone. All of them confirmed that their
pain had gone… 100
percent. Quite a few were healed of back pain.
A brother testified that
his shoulder pain had left him. An elder said that
he was healed 101 percent.
Those who had frozen shoulders were able to lift
up their arms. A sister who claimed that she had
breast cancer felt
the pain
left her chest
and arms. She was asked to go for a medical check-up
to confirm healing. A small boy also came up to
testify of healing.
One sister, who was
struggling to be healed of her shoulder and back
pain, rejoiced when her pain suddenly vanished.
A young lady was partially
deaf in her
right ear. After a few rounds of rebuking, she
could hear. She said that her hearing was 90 percent

Reported by
Albert Kang
Elijah Challenge Asia
note: As a result of this, the Assemblies of God District Superintendent,
Conrado Lumahan, is making plans to partner with Elijah Challenge
Coordinators Albert Kang and Carl Henderson in order
to train the students in the Bible School as well as the pastors
and leaders of the churches in
the Northern
Luzon District.
More reports from Pastor Albert
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Luke 10:9 Heal the sick, and tell them "the kingdom of God is near you."