19 August 2007
Sunday – 3.00 PM
Rhema Miracle Church
Bacoor, Cavite

Pastor Juan Banes is the pastor of Rhema Miracle Church – a
vibrant branch church that conducts its services in the
home of a parishioner
whose family members are involved in different ministries.
Last July, Pastor Juan and some of his leaders attended
the first Elijah Challenge
Seminar in Bacoor, Cavite. He said that he was not only
grateful for the training but personally thankful to God
that his wife was healed
during the seminar. Pastor Juan's wife, Pastora Yolly,
was suffering from pain in her eyes and tears were also
streaming out continually.
When I met her this time, her eyes had remained healed
and she has been a living testimony to the community of
the healing power of God.
Juan had moved his morning service to the afternoon so as to suit
my schedule. I was so touched by this act of sacrifice that I
postponed my previously arranged appointment to an hour later. About
35 people packed into the roofed porch of this small residential
property. Most Filipinos really know how to sing – and it was no exception
here at Rhema. With only 35 in the congregation, the worship sounded
like it was coming out of a church of 350.
Pastor Juan had taught the congregation the principles of Elijah
Challenge, I admonished the people to continue with healing the sick
in the context of evangelism. The day's message for the Christians
was to learn how to take authority over their flesh. As in most Elijah
Challenge Training Seminars, due to the lack of time, I would hardly
go in depth on this topic. As in the last two services, I affirmed
the importance of obeying the Ten Commandments as an act of obedience
to Jesus Christ. I explained that even though we are no longer under
the laws, the Ten Commandments are still applicable to our daily
walk with the Lord. They are vital for a life of holiness and also
for a
harmonious life with others. The Ten Commandments are used by God
as the guiding principles for all mankind, so that we can all objectively
evaluate how we are performing. Even though, they are not perquisites
for salvation but following the Ten Commandments would be the results
of a born-again experience. This means that everyone who knows the
Lord would also have the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome their
sinful nature. I then led them to memorise the Ten Commandments – which
to their amazement, they could do that in less than ten minutes. Then
I gave the "Love Jesus Test", just as I did in the previous
church. Everybody declared great love for Jesus. When I pulled out
John 14:15, they were evidently convicted. Once again, if believers
professed love for Jesus, why were they not serious about following
His commandments? Why were they still lying, stealing, cheating, lusting
and etc., etc? The big question was then placed before them – were
they ready to confess, repent and "go and sin no more"? People
were nodding in submission to this request. Then I asked for a commitment – would
they return the things that they had stolen or "accidentally borrowed"?
Would they apologise to those they had offended and make right a wrong?
Would they forgive that offending mother-in-law?
I continued with the list of offence and restitution, there was
hardly a sound from the congregation. However, the non-verbal was
deafening – some
looked down, some looked at each other and nodded, some looked to heaven
and some just fixed their eyes on me, showing great desire to swallow
every verbal morsel. I knew that at the time, the Holy Spirit was speaking
to the hearts of men and women. Words alone would not bring the conviction.
It was the Holy Spirit who revealed the secrets of the hearts. The
God who did the convicting would now grant His grace of forgiving.
When the call for confession and repentance was made, everybody stood
up. The miracle that happened was in the hearts of these repenting
people. As God would not apply His grace on an unrepentant soul – in
that moment, I saw the miracle of God's grace upon His people. As they
raised both hands in surrender to our gracious God and repeated the
prayer of apology for doing wrong even as a Christian and asking God
for forgiveness and mercy, I felt a satisfying sense of fulfilment.
If these people were to go out there and live a holy and sanctified
life – the fragrant of Christ would be very evident. These believers
would then truly be the salt of the world.

the healing of the soul, it was time for healing the sick. I called
for those who had been trained in Elijah Challenge to come forward.
Then for those who had pain in their bodies to also come to the front.
As the number of sick people was filling up the front, I decided
conduct a mass healing. By that time, Pastor Reggie was already signalling
for me to leave for my next appointment that was to be one-hour drive
away. Since my "Elisha", Pastor Ana was present at the meeting,
I asked her to take over the healing session. Her husband, Pastor Cesar
was also there to lend a hand. Pastor Juan and his wife were also up
front, ready to heal.
in the evening, I received a call from Pastor Ana. The report was
that there was a 100-percent healing rate. Everybody who came up
for healing went back completely healed. What glorious news indeed!
I wish I was there to witness all these.

reason why I left abruptly was because I had to rush to Manila
to meet Pastor Joy Gabasa, our Elijah Coordinator of Nueva Ecija.
since the Elijah Challenge seminar and crusade in his region in July,
there was no emailed report from him. Therefore, I was really keen
to know what had happened after the events. Pastor Joy reported that
the churches in his region are still actively doing the healing.
Since most pastors do not use emails, they had sms-ed or text-ed
him about
the healing results. Not being internet-savvy, he apologised for
not emailing me but promised to make more effort in sending more
in the future. His wife, Pastora Cora was also at the meeting and
she promised to assist him. Pastor Joy said that the people who
were healed
in the last seminar and crusade still remained healed. One lady,
who had to walk with a walking stick, is now walking without it.
All the
pastors who were trained in July are training their people to heal
the sick. According to him, Elijah Challenge has created an impact
in the ministries there. People are getting healed and saved! What
wonderful news to receive! I am Pastor William's "Elisha" and
now my very own "Elishas" are doing the training and healing.