reports from Pastor Albert Kang
14 December 2008
Harvest Community Church
Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Pastors: Rev Steve Chang and Rev Lily Chang
Steve and Lily Chang
Sunday's message for Harvest Community Church was taken from
John 14:12. Jesus said that greater things
that we shall
do. Within the context, Jesus said in verse 11, "Believe me
when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at
least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves".
I challenged the congregation to trust the very words of Jesus.The
Church today should be able to do greater things which include
of healing.
I explained about the Three Anointings that have been given to the
Church. The Priestly Anointing, the Prophetic Anointing and the Kingly
Anointing should become a part of the ministry of the modern Church.
Stressing that many churches are mostly utilizing the Priestly and
Prophetic Anointing. They rarely activate their Kingly Anointing.

Pastor Albert training the congregation
From Luke 9 and 10, the congregation learned that they did have
the Kingly Authority to heal the sick while sharing the Good News.
To prove this to be true, I asked Pastor Steve to appoint his leaders
and workers to lay hands on the infirm. About 11 people needed to
be healed and at the end of the healing session, five were fully
healed. The rest experienced marked improvement in their physical
condition. Not a bad result for a group of believers who had not
gone through the whole training sessions of Elijah Challenge and
learning to heal the infirm for the very first time.
& below: The Demonstration of Healing - believers lay hands on
those with infirmities as instructed by Pastor Albert

Above & below: testimonies of healings

Sister Grace and I thank God that He had given us this opportunity
to minister at Harvest Community Church. We are expecting more miracles
as the Christians in this church move in authority and power to win
many souls this Christmas. All Glory to God.
Pastor Albert Kang
Elijah Challenge Asia
More reports from Pastor Albert
Luke 10:9 "Heal the sick who are there and tell them, 'The kingdom of God
is near you.’"