The Chinese Church in the Full Gospel Assembly mother
church in Kuala Lumpur is one of fast growing Chinese congregations
in Malaysia with 700
to 800
adherents. Among this congregation are many young people. That,
in itself, is a unique aspect because not many Chinese churches
could attract younger people.
Every night, after the training session, the trained believers
showed great enthusiasm in healing the infirm. Night after night,
the number of people healed became more and more. This was the
result of the increased faith of the trainees. During the breaks,
I overheard many participants discussed excitedly about the 'new'
teaching that they had received. They did not know that they could
exercise the 'kingly authority' to heal the infirm - especially
healing those who are unbelievers so as to prove that Jesus is
the living God.
On Friday, the large auditorium on the 5th floor was packed with
participants and the guests they invited. Quite a few of these
came in wheelchairs. My team, which consisted of my wife, Grace
and my father-in-law, Brother Ong, was impressed by the attendance.
The atmosphere in the sanctuary was that of great expectancy. God
was gracious to allow my Mandarin to flow with exceptional ease.
Being an English-educated person, I had often feared that my Chinese
language would fail me, especially during preaching.
During the altar call for salvation, more than fifty people came
forth to accept Christ. This was to be repeated at the next two
healing rallies. The number of people healed during the healing
sessions was also remarkable. We were overjoyed when we saw many
elderly people, with arthritic pain in their joints, received their
healings. To prove that they had been healed, some kicked their
legs, swung their arms and even danced vigorously.

The healing rally, on Saturday, was a combined service with the
regular FGA Chinese Youth Church's service. This younger generation
of worshippers, with their rowdier and fast songs, created a different
worship atmosphere. The young people did not remain at their seats
but gathered up front and worshipped with much action. Some jumped,
some danced, some waved, some whooped, and some simply knelt and
praised God. The welcome was also different because there was not
just the usual applause but screaming too.
in the first rally, about fifty people came forth to shake my
hands as I welcomed them to accept Christ.
The healing session
was as expected – the faith of the trained believers was
extended and the infirm received their miracles. The trainees then
quickly ushered them up the stage for testimonies. Everybody applauded
and cheered as one by one, the healed people gave glory to God
for their miracles.
were some of the more exceptional miracles, apart from those
healed of headache, neck pain, back pain, stomach ache and pain
in the joints. An elderly man took out his hearing aid because
he had no need for it any more. He proclaimed loudly that he
hear clearly and had been healed. An elderly lady also had her
impaired ear opened and could hear clearly. Another man, who
suffered from stroke, got up from his wheel chair and began to
walk. He
then pushed his own wheel chair to the amusement of the crowd.
An elderly woman with pain in her eyes was healed. The tearing
also stopped immediately. A young lady testified in tears, that
her broken leg was healed and she put her crutches away.
were too many miracles to report here. All we can say is "Praise
the Lord for all these healings". Apart from many who were
healed, we are more excited with the 200 newly trained Mandarin-speaking
Elijah Challengers who are able to share the Gospel by showing
the power of God to heal. My earnest desire is for some of these
trained participants to go to mainland China and conduct their
own Elijah Challenge training and healing rallies. May this become
a reality soon! Praise the Lord and all glory to His name!
Reported by Rev Albert Kang
Coordinator, Elijah Challenge Asia
Luke 10:9 "Heal the sick who are there and tell them, 'The kingdom of God
is near you.’"