3-day Basic/Advanced Training and Healing Crusade event was organized
by seven churches:
1. The River of God Christian Fellowship
2. Rhema Miracle Church - Binakayan
3. Rhema Miracle Church - Addas 4 Mambog.
4. Abundant Life Ministries & Fellowship
5. Jesus Heartline Gospel Mission Church
6. Meadowood Christian Fellowship
7. HP High Praise Philippines.
For the next three days, the training would
be held at Rhema Miracle Church at Binakayan. This church
with a congregation
of 400 began its ministry among the fishermen who
worked in the Manila Bay area. The founding and present pastor
is Rev Ruel "Boy" Gagui who is a most
amiable brother. On this first morning of the seminar,
of the participants
had arrived slightly late and thus delayed the opening
time by half an hour. Everybody enjoyed a time
of powerful worship
led by Pastor Ruel Barte and his team of singers
and musicians. Among the one hundred attendees,
there were
many first-time
participants; therefore it had become crucial for
me to explain the basic Elijah Challenge concept
the Train-the-Trainers

The participants in the Training
At this time of the year, Binkayan is experiencing sweltering
heat. Even with all the fans blowing, the hall refused
to cool. In spite of the extreme heat, the participants
very gracious and seemed to enjoy every bit of information
that I shared. Their regular "Amen's" and
occasional spontaneous applause encouraged me on.
At 11.45 AM, for the sake of the new participants,
I conducted a healing demonstration. All those
previously trained believers
came forward to lay hands and heal the infirm
in the name of Jesus. As their faith was high, miracles
Pastor Roger, a local pastor who has a church
in Luzon but a dangerous outreach ministry among the largest
rebel group - the Moro Isl--mic Liberation Front
on the lsland of Mindanao, was healed of upper
back pain. A
sister was healed of pain from right shoulder
to the right leg. A brother was thrilled that after authority
was taken,
the bloated feeling in his stomach had disappeared.
elderly man testified that the pain in his
back had
vanished. An
elderly lady had a miracle in her throat – the
irritation inside her throat had instantly
stopped and so did the persistent
cough. Another lady who had pain in her hands
and legs were healed and just could not wait
to testify.
A young
man who
had a persistent back pain testified that after
the trained believers took authority over him
three times,
he was
perfectly healed. All those who came forth
were healed except for one
man who had partial healing - he felt much
sensation returned to his numb foot but not

Healing demonstration for first-time participants
Authority to heal in action
Pastor Roger was healed of upper back pain

Healed of pain from right shoulder to
right leg
Healed from stomach discomfort
Healed from back pain
Trained believers exercising authority over
Woman miraculously healed of pain in hand
& leg

Taking authority over knee pain
Woman healed of knee ailment & pain
Newly trained pastors taking authority over
back pain
Man (left) healed from stubborn back pain
Healed of knee pain (right)
Healed from throat irritation and cough
We had a one-hour break at 12 noon and returned to second
session at one. This time, the
participants were punctual. The hot weather threatened to make
the afternoon training
session a really gruelling experience.
The organizers were desperately trying to cool the participants
with a few air
conditioners and fans turning at
full-blast. The inevitable seemed to happen and some participants
began to nod. However,
these sleepy souls did not get
a chance to go into deep sleep because the enthusiasm of the
other participants woke them
up. Subsequently, no one slept
and the continual keenness and spiritual hunger of all the participants
saved the day
for our seminar. As I led them
through different topics and also some ideas on how they can
grow their churches by using
the methods taught by The Elijah
Challenge, the people just drank in the necessary information
with gladness.
Soon, it was
4 PM and time to conclude the session.
My shirt was wet with perspiration but my heart was filled with
great joy. Some
of the pastors expressed gratitude
and thanked me for bringing them the prophetic message for their
churches. Little did
they realise that I was so thankful
for this privilege to serve and to bring them encouragements
and blessings from
the words of the Lord.
Reported by:
Rev Albert Kang
Elijah Challenge Asia
10:9 "Heal
the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near