The Church was packed on Sunday's morning. My father-in-law,
Brother Ong, was one of those leaders who served Holy Communion
that morning. I am so proud of him – how God has taken
this former Buddhist, steep in his superstitious belief, and
transformed him into a dedicated servant of God. He was also
instrumental in getting Pastor Wong interested in having the
Elijah Challenge seminar and rally.
As it was Palm Sunday, I preached about Jesus chasing out the
merchants and money changers from the Temple. I told the people
that in similar vein Jesus would like to clear out every obstructing
sin and weakness in our lives. I challenged them to confess and
repent before the Lord so that they would have a clear conscience
to minister effectively.
After a prayer of repentance led by Pastor Wong, we proceeded
to the healing of infirmed bodies. A man was healed of irritation
in his eye. Another elderly lady could see clearly after hands
were laid on her eye. Sister Angela, Sister Christina and I attended
to a demonised woman in the prayer room. I later realised that
this woman was also suffering from mental disorder. Back in the
meeting hall, a lady who had a growth on her left upper arm was
suddenly demonised. I had told the participants that if the pain
or growth moved from one part of the body to another, they might
be encountering demonic force. The ministering believers did
see the growth moved. The lady began screaming, hitting and kicking
those who were ministering to her.
watching the recorded video, I was extremely pleased to see
that the trained believers, instead of fleeing
in fear, charged
forward and took authority over the demons. My wife, Grace, and
the other "fearless" believers managed to subdue and
cast out the demons. After the incident, the victim was so embarrassed
that she apologised to those whom she had hit and kicked. Grace
found out that this lady was not committed to the Lord and that
she had been reading and depending on horoscope to guide her
daily life. Most so-called demonised "Christians" are
not what we would call true "followers of Christ".
the final night of the rally, I felt led by the Lord to heal
the people of inner hurts and pain before
proceeding to healing
of the bodies. I encouraged them to bring their inner hurts and
pain to the Lord and allow Him to throw these into the "Lake
of Forgetfulness". They were asked to forgive those who
hurt them and also to be released from the bondage of self-condemnation.
To my surprise, quite a number of people came forth to be prayed
for. As I laid my hands on each individual, tears flow freely
down their cheeks. Some of them had hurts that were buried for
some thirty to forty years. Way back in their childhood, they
suffered humiliation and abuses – and all these were trapped
in their hidden emotion. As the Lord healed them, I could see
the change in their disposition.
We also noted that there were some who were partially healed
and in varying stages of recovery. A lady had an eye problem
and we noticed that during the training seminar, she had come
out and asked to be prayed for. She experienced partial healing
and was grateful for it. However, with every opportunity, she
would persistently come forth and asked to be healed. On the
final night of the rally, the Lord healed her eyes and she testified
that she could see clearly and all images are no longer blurred
to her (see her photo below). An elderly lady in her 80s had
her legs healed and they became strong enough for her to stand
A man who suffered from a stroke had his painful hand healed
and he could close his fingers. People with pain in head, legs,
hands and chest were healed in the name of Jesus.