Jesus Loves Ministry in Klang is responsible for initiating 17
branch churches. Most of these churches reach out to the Indian
communities in Malaysia. Grace and I were invited to minister
in the English service of this church which is shepherded by
Pastor Lydia Padman. About thirty parishioners attended this
service. In spite of the size, the worship was extremely lively
and enjoyable. In fact, everybody enjoyed it so much that it
lasted a full hour.
message that morning was from John 14:12-14 – the
theme scripture verses of Elijah Challenge Asia:
"I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will
do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than
these, because I am going to the Father" (John 14:12).
I did not go to these verses until much later. The sermon proper
began with John 14:15 – "If you love
me, you will keep my commandments". The purpose was to emphasize
to the congregation the importance of obedience. Obedience and
ministry effectiveness are closely connected. To love the Lord
is to obey Him in all our words, thoughts, behaviours and actions.
The congregation had a ball of a time learning the Ten Commandments.
Using hand symbols, everybody learned these commandments without
much effort. One of the leaders wrote me later that he had enjoyed
memorising these commandments.
sure that they understood that no grace of God could be appropriated
on unrepentant hearts, I moved on to the topic
of Power Evangelism. Sharing about my experience with The Elijah
Challenge and how in the last three years, I had successful healed
more people with the authority of Christ than all my twenty-plus
years of ministry combined. Telling them how God led Grace and
me to The Elijah Challenge. Disclosing
the truth of my scepticism and how that first session at The
Elijah Challenge Seminar changed my life and ministry forever.
The congregation was visibly ready for the miracles as I shared
more testimonies about successful healing cases. Their faith-level
was rising by the minute. Then I invited the infirm to come forward.
Five ladies responded. The church members thought that we were
joking when I said that Grace and I would not be healing these
people but the members of the congregation would have to do so.
requested Pastor Lydia to choose members of her congregation
to help in healing and she appointed twelve
ladies who stepped
forward to take the instant course on how to heal the sick. After
instructing them not to close their eyes and to follow after
me as I command the diseases to leave, these "instant-trained" believers
were ready.
everybody was in position. The five infirm ladies had different
maladies – knee pain, finger
pain, a bone spur at the sole of the foot, skin problem and
a sciatic
nerve pull that affected the back and leg.
The next step was to show them how to lay hands on the affected
areas. Making sure that their eyes were open and hands probably
placed, I shouted out the commands with mountain-moving faith.
The first lady to be healed was the one with the knee pain.
What a joy to see the surprised look on her face as she tried
out her healed knees. Then the second lady who had a painful
bone spur in the sole received miraculous healing. The lady with
a skin condition felt a warm sensation flowing through her legs
and her itch gone.
The fourth and fifth healing came much later. The lady with
the sciatic condition was healed of the back pain and also the
pain down her leg. The final one was the lady with a painful
thumb. Every time, she bent her thumb, the joint would jam and
cause an intense pain. When she demonstrated to us, she literally
screamed in pain when her thumb got caught in the jam. The ladies
surrounding her were trying their best but to no avail. Finally,
I asked Grace to take over and lead them in taking authority
over the painful thumb. Everybody in the team was very earnest
and exercised mountain-moving faith. Glory to God in the highest
- the pain left immediately and the lady was completely healed.
After the service, some of the members approached us and said
that they were fully convinced that they themselves could heal
the sick in the name of Jesus. We are now making plans to go
back to this church and give them a complete basic training of
the Elijah Challenge model of End-time Evangelism.
This little healing service proves that The Elijah Challenge
approach can be used in almost any situations. We have seen hundreds
being healed in large healing rallies and even one person being
healed in a home or hospital room situation. Born-again believers
should learn to claim their God-given authority and win souls
by using this Power Evangelism approach.

ministry of healing begins

and giving public testimony!
Reported by
Rev Albert Kang
Elijah Challenge Asia
Luke 10:9 "Heal
the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"