30 December
Sunday – 10.45
Above a popular seafood restaurant at Kelana Jaya is a vibrant
little church known as Zoe Christian Fellowship. Under the leadership
of a lady pastor, Pastor Elin, two capable elders, Brother Wong
and Brother Andrew and one deacon, Brother Lee, the congregation
of seventy plus people is ready to grow to a higher height. They
had invited me to conduct a Church Growth Seminar which was held
on the evening of 28 December and from 9 in the morning to 5
in the evening on the following day which was a Saturday.
After learning the principles of Church Growth, the 25 participants
were taught how to use Force Field Analysis and figure out what
were the factors that have either hindered or helped their Church
growth. The participants had divided themselves into four teams
to discuss about the different possibilities of church growth.
During the presentation, every team pointed to one glaring factor
that hinders their growth and that their Church is situated on
the third level without the benefit of an escalator. Elderly
people, people with infirmities, pregnant ladies and even those
with young children would find attending the church difficult.
the end of the seminar, I showed the leaders some basic principles
of The Elijah Challenge so that they
would be ready to help me
with the healing ministry on Sunday's morning service. I emphasized
on the three anointings upon the Church – namely Priestly
Anointing, Prophetic Anointing and Kingly Anointing. They agreed
that the modern Church uses mostly the first two anointings but
has left out the Kingly Anointing or at least not used it enough.
I shared about the difference between healing the sick and praying
for the sick. Then they were told to open their eyes whenever
they take authority over the diseases and demons. By six in the
evening, everybody was already tired after having spent almost
seven hours in the seminar plus this discussion.
Sunday came quickly. Grace and I were back at Zoe Christian
Fellowship at 10.30 AM. A blind brother with an exceptional voice
led the worship service which was conducted both in English and
Mandarin. He had two ladies and one young man backing him up
in singing. About 70 people had turned up and they really enjoyed
worshipping the Lord. The preliminary was short and soon it was
time to preach. I had asked the Holy Spirit for a message and
it was to be the building of absolute faith in Jesus as the Saviour
and Healer.
After a brief introduction by Elder Wong, I was given the pulpit
that was actually a stand for music notes. My anchor scriptural
verses were from Luke 10:17ff. As I looked at the congregation,
I realised why my message was about faith because there were
people who came to this service, expecting to be healed. In fact,
that morning, we had to pass a slow-moving elderly lady who laboriously
climbed up the three long flights of steps to be healed. (She
was to become the second person to be healed that day). During
the sermon, I joked that even a healthy person would need healing
after climbing such long flights of steps.
I was happy that the congregation was laughing at some of the
funnier illustrations. However, since building faith was the
essence, every line of reasoning was presented so as to lead
the congregation to act out their faith. Finally, it was time
to demonstrate the power of Christ to heal the sick. The leaders
who were briefly trained the previous night joined me at the
front of
the church.
call was made for those who had infirmities to come forward.
Initially, the congregation was a little hesitant – most
probably wondering whether I was joking. When I persisted, people
began to stream to the front. Chairs were brought for two elderly
ladies who had arthritis in their knees. (One of them was the
elderly lady whom we passed along the stairway). The rest who
were younger were allowed to stand and lay hands on themselves.
Grace and I took turn to give the command for healing and by
the grace of God, the healing began. The elderly ladies were
healed instantly and the pain in their knees was gone. Another
younger lady because of the pain in her knees was also sitting
in a chair upfront. After the command, she testified that the
pain in her legs was gone too. A lady with pain in her forearm
was healed even without the laying on of hands.
this time, the faith of the leaders was highly charged and
they were laying hands on the infirm and taking
authority by
themselves. A group of leaders were taking authority over a lady's
back-pain but to no avail. I noticed they paused for a while
and then continued with renewed vigour. To help them, I called
for the congregation to join force and add faith to those taking
the authority. However, I was too late. The lady was already
healed and on the way up to testify. Another man had a pain in
his lower back and by the name of Jesus, he received immediate
healing. There was an unbeliever who was seeking healing. She
had this "sound" in the right side of her head. The
leaders were taking authority but there was no result. The "woo
woo" sound persisted. Since by that time, this lady was
the only one left to be healed, I went down and laid my hand
on the affected area and commanded it to be healed. Then suspecting
this to have a supernatural reason, I also commanded the spirit
of infirmity to go… in the name of Jesus. The result was
instant - the lady began to smile. The persistent noise in her
head was suddenly silenced. What a joy to see the power of Jesus
in operation. This lady subsequently was led to accept Christ
by Pastor Elin.
was a rewarding Sunday – especially
when a soul is saved and the infirm healed. I have been asked
to conduct by
the leadership of Zoe Christian Fellowship to conduct Elijah
Challenge Model of End-time Evangelism in the near future. All
glory to God!

The leaders who were briefly trained join Pastor
Albert to heal the sick

Congregation responded to the altar call

Pastor Albert commands the diseases to go in
the name of Jesus

Two elderly ladies waiting to be healed

Taking authority over the diseases

Lady healed of pain in the forearm

Elderly lady healed of pain in her knees

2nd elderly lady healed of pain her knees

Lady healed of pain in her legs
Pastor Elin (right) with 2 leaders taking authority
over the back pain

Lady with back pain healed

Man gives thanks to God for healing his back

Commanding the noise in the head to cease in
the name of Jesus

Lady healed of noise in the head

Pastor Elin leads the lady to accept Christ as
12 Nov 2007 - Doctor Healed Instantly
Since 5th November, my right eye became inflamed and bloodshot.
This was due to the reaction of an inherited auto-immune disease
known as Ankylosing Spondylitis. The white blood cells misdiagnosed
my eye to be a foreign object and sought to get rid of it.
This kind of inflammation only happened to me once before and
this time, it was serious. Grace and I took authority over
the eye but the inflammation did not go away. The members of
our Cell Group did the same but the redness in the eye did
not go away. We were terribly disturbed by our lack of faith
to remove this stubborn mountain.
Calling one of our Church members, who works in a local hospital,
I was able to get an appointment to see an Ophthalmologist. However,
the previous eye specialist that treated me was not available
and another one was recommended. This lady doctor is a Christian
and when she found out that I am a pastor, she was very happy.
She said that on many occasions, she would ask the patients if
she could pray for them first before treating them.
After the check-up, I was given eye ointment and other medication
and was told to come back in one week's time. When I went to
pay my bill, the kind doctor had not included her consultancy
fee in it. She had blessed me with free consultation worth RM
100 to RM 150.
On 12th November, Grace came with me because she was eager to
interview a doctor for her an article in her magazine. She never
got to interview the doctor but little did she realize that God
had something more important than interview for her.
The doctor checked my eye and found that it had fully recovered.
Then Grace and I shared with her about our ministries and also
The Elijah Challenge. The doctor then asked whether all diseases
are related to particular sins. She explained that she had been
suffering from very painful joint pain at the knees and a book,
that she had read, indicated that she had an unforgiving spirit.
She should forgive and then the knees will be healed.
told her that not all diseases are linked to particular sins
even though they are definitely linked to
the Original Sin. Then
we challenged the doctor, "What if we were to heal you then
would you believe that not all diseases are linked to particular
sins?" She looked at us with sincere brown eyes and said
that she was willing to be healed in the name of Jesus.
As Grace laid her hands on the doctor's knees, I placed my hands
over Grace's hands. Grace then gave the command in a firm voice
of authority while I followed with similar firmness in my voice.
The miracle happened instantly. Her pain was gone and she stood
up in amazement. Walking to the table where her equipment was,
she took hold of the table edge for balance and began to squat.
"I could not do this before!" She
exclaimed. We clapped in appreciation of God's grace and mercy.
She squatted
just to test the validity of her miraculous cure. After that,
we told her a little more about Elijah Challenge Seminar and
she invited us to come and conduct it at her Church.
We praise God for sending Pastor B. to teach us about
the authority to heal in the name of Jesus. We are now able to
not only preach but demonstrate the power of God to heal and
save souls.
also praise God that He continues to open new doors of ministry
for us. His ways are higher than our
ways – imagine - without
my inflamed eye, Grace and I would never have the opportunity
to meet this wonderful doctor and the possibility of ministering
at her church. All glory to God in the highest!
Reported by
Rev Albert Kang
Elijah Challenge Asia
Luke 10:9 "Heal
the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"