I shared
about the importance of living an obedient and holy life. Using
the "Love Jesus Test", the congregation
were made aware behaviours and misdeeds that were not pleasing
to God. After
leading them to memorise the Ten Commandments, I delineated every
commandment and showed how each was to be applied in daily living.
The warning from the Lord is that not all who call Him Lord would
enter the kingdom of God. Only those who have accepted Him as the
Saviour, obeyed His commandments and lived a repented life can make
it to heaven. I mentioned that some Christians were still stealing
from their places of work while others were involved with various
acts of sin. Some were flirting even though they were married people.
There were those whose hearts were full of hatred and bitterness.
Many still coveted after worldly things. It was a time of confession
as the people responded to the call. I led them in a prayer of repentance
and confession.

of repentance
Moving from taking authority over the flesh, I quickly explained
to the non-believers that how Jesus could heal them. All they needed
to do when healed was to acknowledge Jesus as their Saviour. By this
time, the Elijah Challengers had come forward and taken their positions.
A row of chairs was placed in the front for the infirm to sit and
be ministered. An elderly man in the wheelchair was also pushed forward
by his family members. He looked very weak and forlorn, drooling
from his mouth. After everybody was ready, I had different people
giving the command. Pastor Richard, Sister Rose and my wife, Grace,
took turn exercising their authority and commanding the diseases
to leave in the name of Jesus.

commanding the infirmities to go in Jesus' name

believers taking authority over the diseases
fellow workers, Brother Alvin Chong and Sister Maggie were assisting
in anyway they could. They
were taking authority, giving instructions and encouraging the
newly trained Elijah Challengers to continue when the challenges
tough. As expected, the infirm were rapidly getting healed and
the healing confirmed by loud applause bursting out in different
There were quite a few elderly people who were healed of arthritic
pain in the joints. Fingers, hands, wrists, shoulder-joints and
knees were all healed in the name of Jesus. Many who testified
and bended to prove that they were healed. People with intense
headache, stomach ache and back pain testified of instant relief.
Eye, nose
and throat ailments were also dealt with. The elderly man in
the wheelchair stood up and walked. His family members were so
because previously he could not even stand up lest walk. See
photo below.

stroke victim gets up and walks

The Sunday service had become a miniature healing rally. The service
could not conclude on time as Elijah Challengers were still exercising
their new-found authority to heal the sick and share the Gospel with
non-believers. It was a great Sunday of ministry and we adjourned
to rest up for the healing rally conducted in the evening at Kuantan
Baptist Church.

Challengers Alvin & Maggie Chong
Reported by
Rev Albert Kang
Elijah Challenge Asia
Luke 10:9 "Heal
the sick who are there and tell them,
'The kingdom of God is near you.’"