27 October 2007
Saturday – 8.00 PM
Elijah Challenge Healing Rally
Held At Kuantan Baptist Church
Organized by Grace Charismatic Centre
Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
The elders at Kuantan Baptist Church had allowed
us to use their sanctuary for this healing rally. This was the
type of rally which
I mentioned in the last report – it was relatively small scale
and easy to organize. In this instance this rally was miniature in
relation to some of our other "small" healing rallies.
Close to 200 people began filing in around 8.20 PM as worship songs
in both Chinese and English filled the sanctuary. When it was time
to preach the Word, the air was tense with anticipation. There were
evidently people in the audience who were unwell and had come for

Pastor Richard served as my Mandarin interpreter
as the rally had many who could only understand Chinese. I shared
an evangelistic
message about the Creator God who loves us. Since there were people
from other religions, I explained that all man-made religions are
generally "good" but there is a hiatus, like a "gulf
of fire", between heaven and earth where no one can cross. Man-made
religions are like frail wooden bridges that cannot withstand the
fire. No matter how sturdy they look at first, they would all burn
up in the end. What if God were to build a bridge from heaven to
earth – what if He would become a man and live among us? With
many other narratives and illustrations, I tried to persuade those
who had yet to accept the salvation of the Lord that Jesus is the
only way.
Then I shared about the God who would heal them of
their physical infirmities. The trained disciples had joined me
in the front for
a special distance-healing session commonly known to Elijah Challengers
as "mass healing". To my horror, the sanctuary looked half-empty.
This was one of those situations when we had almost the same number
of Elijah Challengers as those who needed to be healed. I asked the
infirm to lay hands on their affected areas while I took loud authority
against all the diseases and pain. A man stood up and testified that
he was healed of a shoulder pain.

As this
special distance-healing would be best used for massive crowd,
I decided to ask our Elijah Challengers, who
were trained
believers, to lay hands upon the infirm. For cultural reason, they
had already formed into two groups – male on my left and female
on my right. They had been trained to lay hands on only affected
but "appropriate" parts of the body without embarrassing
the "patients." They were also told to lay hands only "near" to
extremely sensitive or private parts. I have no problem having men
laying hands on ladies or vice versa but that have to be done carefully
and discreetly.

As this was the first time that these new Elijah
Challengers were asked to take authority to heal the sick, many
reverted back to their
old ways of praying for the sick. I kept asking them to open their
eyes, look at the affected areas and command the pain and disease
to go in the name of Jesus. Some of them were speaking in tongues
but after a few times of admonition, they no longer reverted back
to "priestly action" of speaking in tongues. I was very
glad that majority of these trained believers caught the idea of
using the "kingly authority" to command the diseases and
pain to go in the name of Jesus.
Throughout the whole healing session, I rarely laid
my hands on anyone. The purpose was to allow the trained believers
to exercise
and practise their faith to heal without depending on me. During
one of the training seminars, a trainee questioned why didn't I just
heal a sick lady since I obviously had more faith than they. She
saw the point when I told her that if I were to do so, then the trainees
would not be exercising their faith at all. They would be depending
on my faith. I had come to teach them how to fish and not just to
give them fishes. When I left, these trainees should still be healing
the sick and winning souls… without me.
The Elijah Challengers went through the process of interviewing
their "patients" first and then discreetly lay hands on the affected
areas. They were told not to massage or put undue pressure on those
parts. With the help of the microphone, I took authority and verbally
commanded all the diseases and pain to leave while the Elijah Challengers
laid their hands on the infirm.

I couldn't help but thank God for these trained believers
standing in front of me. They were displaying so much more faith
than I first
met them during the first day of training. In fact, one of the young
ladies, who was skeptical of healing, had become an ardent Elijah
Challenger. On the first day of the training seminar, during the
demonstration, she was one of those who came up for healing. When
she was not healed at the first command, she responded with a loud "nope!" That
shook me up a little but thankfully she was subsequently healed of
her shoulder pain. Now with renewed faith, she was ready to heal
others in the name of Jesus. Brother Alvin Chong and his wife, Sister
Maggie were also a great help during the rally. They guided the new
Elijah Challengers and showed some how to command and take authority
by their own example. My wife, Grace, was taking pictures and from
time to time, paused to give instructions or lay hands on difficult
People began to receive miraculous healing. After
the third time of concerted authority, I told the Elijah Challengers
to appoint
someone in the team to give the command while all the other team
members repeat that command. In my experience, this "united
front" works better in driving out the diseases than just a "free-for-all" way
of taking authority. They were also told that after the healing,
every healed person should come onstage and testify of their healing.
All in all, there were 22 public testimonies of divine healing. I
noticed some non-believers slipped out after being healed. Our Elijah
Challengers had not been insistent enough to ask them to publicly
testify to the glory of God.
Among those healed were people suffering from arthritis, back injury,
migraine headache and stomach disorders. A stroke patient was able
to raise his arm because the pain had totally left him. A young man,
whose fingers could not bend without pain, received healing. As he
testified and to prove his healing, he kept bending all his healed

A middle-aged lady was healed of headache and shoulder
pain. However, the left side of body was still in extreme pain.
Her two adult daughters
who were not trained in Elijah Challenge had joined the trained believers
to take authority over their mother's pain. Loud commands of authority
rang out repeatedly. When I went to check, the lady was still in
pain. I added my faith to that of the Elijah Challengers and commanded
the pain to go. The infirmity did not budge. I encouraged the trained
believers to continue their effort while I checked on other teams.
They did and the miracle happened – the pain disappeared completely.
The middle-aged lady smiled in relief and her two daughters wept
in joy. Everybody clapped and gave glory to God.

Alex, one of our newly trained Elijah Challengers,
while laying one hand on a patient; had his other hand on his own
right shoulder.
The patient was healed but Alex was not. Later, at the end of the
service, he reluctantly asked the other Elijah Challengers to command
his shoulder pain to leave – immediately the pain left him
and he rejoiced in his own miraculously healing.

I noticed a group of ladies laying hands on an elderly
woman. Apparently she had been healed of knee pain but her back
was still painful.
After several times of taking authority, she felt better. However,
the shadow of pain was still lingering and she decided to give up.
When I checked with her, she said that her back was so much better
than before and that she could tolerate the little pain. She also
felt bad that she was giving the Elijah Challengers "much trouble".
However I saw the faith of those who were ministering to her and
I encouraged the lady to continue believing. After a few more attempts,
this elderly lady was elated that her back pain was completely gone.
She believed and received by faith and she was completely healed.
A man was partially healed of an eye injury suffered
during an accident years ago. After the Elijah Challengers had
taken authority over
his injury numerous times, he was amazed that his eye could focus
and his vision had improved by "fifty percent". I told
him to come back the following night for more healing.
A lady, named Alice, whose fingers were partially healed previously
when I ministered in Kerteh, attended the rally. She wanted to be
totally healed. However, all her fingers were healed except for the
thumb. She left with much improvement in the movement of that thumb
but she was not completely healed. This reminded me of my July training
seminar in Bacoor, Cavite in the Philippines; a lady pastor whose
fingers were all healed except for one finger. She was so frustrated
until she wept. However, the following day, the lady pastor was completely
healed. This may happen to Alice too.
I do not know why certain infirmities need several
attempts or days before they would leave. It may be due to our
weak faith or some
other reasons. I believe that divine healing, whether it is through
the "authority to heal" or "gift of healing",
it is still very much in the domain of God's absolute sovereignty.
However, that does not mean that we can shirk our responsibilities.
What God will do, He will do and what we must do, we must do! We
ultimately have to learn how to exercise our faith in taking authority
over the diseases and demons because God has already given us the
authority to do so.
The first healing rally in Kuantan was most rewarding. After the
session, Grace and I were tired but very happy that the newly trained
Elijah Challengers had made their mark this night. Many of those
who began with little faith were there healing the sick without any
reservation. Like an adoring parents, Grace and I looked forward
to seeing these trained believers achieving more victories in the
next healing rally.
Reported by
Rev Albert Kang
Elijah Challenge Asia